Chapter 17:Gwen vs Courtney

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Me:Hey guys! Okay so this is unfortunately the last chapter of this story and before I start I just wanna say I was close to crying while writing this😂❤️ AGAIN I own NOTHING.anyways enjoy the last chapter!💕💕

Chapter seventeen-Gwen vs. Courtney

Everyone gasped and turned to the church door. Lady Courtney stepped inside, a sour look on her face like she'd smelled something foul (which, to be fair, she probably did, with all the dead people in there). She wiped a nonexistent tear from her eye.''I always cry at weddings!" She then turned an evil look on Duncan and Gwen. "Ah, young lovers together at last. Surely now, they can live happily ever after!" She walked up to the altar.''But you forget-he's still my husband!" Grabbing Duncan's arm, Courtney dragged him roughly away from Gwen.''Get your hands off me!" Duncan said indignantly. Lady Courtney ignored him, glaring at Gwen.''I will not be leaving here empty-handed!" Trent's eyes widened as he suddenly recognized her.''You!" Courtney stared at him for about a second before recognizing him as well.''Trent?" ''You!" Trent repeated and glared at her.''But-I left you!" Lady Courtney said in surprise.''For dead!" Trent said the words quietly, but it was loud enough so that everyone could still hear him. Everyone gasped in shock, Brick's lower jaw actually falling off as he did.''This man is obviously delusional!" Lady Courtney insisted as everyone started to get angry. Nobody bought it. They all rose from their seats, filled with a newfound hatred for the woman they now knew murdered their beloved corpse groom, causing him such heartbreak and unhappiness. Lady Courtney started to back away, dragging Duncan along with her as the furious corpses surrounded her. Desperate, Lady Courtney grabbed Cody's sword and, unlike Gwen earlier, she was actually successful in pulling it out. She pointed it under Duncan's chin and said; ''Sorry to cut things short, but we must be on our way!" ''Take your hands off him, you bitch." Gwen growled, stepping down from the altar and walking towards her. This evil woman had killed Trent, she wasn't about to just stand by and let her do the same thing to Duncan. Lady Courtney just stared at Gwen with a deadpan expression.''Do I have to kill you too?" Raising the sword, she was just about to run Gwen through, when she suddenly felt something biting her leg. Or, rather, two somethings. Angus and Vampyra had crawled up her dress, and were biting her leg with their little lizard teeth. Lady Courtney let out a cry of pain and shook them off. Duncan took that opportunity to run to safety as DJ pulled a utensil out of Eva's back.''Gwen, catch!" Gwen caught the item...which turned out to be a fork. She shot DJ a look of 'Really?', and he just shrugged and said ''Sorry." ''Here Gwen, take mine!" Duncan suggested, handing his own knife over to Gwen. She gladly discarded the fork and took the knife as Lady Courtney lunged towards her with a wild cry. Having never used a weapon before, Gwen wasn't as good as Courtney, but she managed to avoid every one of her swings, and even got in a good jab in her butt.''OW!" Lindsay had to jump off her plate to avoid getting sliced in half, letting out a cry of ''Eep!" as part of Tyler's chef hat fell to the floor. Courtney kept slicing at Gwen, who accidentally backed up against Sam.''Hey, that's not playing fair!" Both girls ignored him and Courtney just barely missed cutting Gwen, slicing a bench instead. Gwen, on the other hand, finally managed to get a cut on Courtney, ripping a part of her dress. It wasn't deep enough to be fatal, but just deep enough so that it was bleeding. Courtney let out another furious cry and attacked Gwen again, but she managed to block it with her knife and rolled out of the way of harm. Seizing the opportunity, she stabbed Lady Courtney in the foot, and she let out a pained scream, accidentally knocking over some of the benches. Trent helpfully moved Duncan out of the way, though he just glowered.

"I should be out there!" he protested. "I can help her!" ''As much as I'd love to get back at Courtney, this is something Gwen has to do on her own." Trent said wisely. "Besides, you'd just get in her way." Immediately after he said this, however, Lady Courtney managed to knock Duncan's knife out of Gwen's hand and kicked her down. Gwen fell to the floor, and Lady Courtney pointed the tip of her sword at her, absolute hatred on her face. Everyone gasped in shock and horror. Gwen just glared up at Courtney. If this was how she was going to die, protecting the man she loved, then so be it. She was a better woman than Courtney. Courtney lowered the sword, and everyone gasped again. Gwen couldn't breathe. She just stared up in shock-at Trent, who came in at the last minute to protect her. Of course, being dead, it couldn't hurt him. Glaring at Courtney, he pulled the sword out slowly, deliberately, and pointed it at her.''Touche, my dear." Lady Courtney said, regaining her composure all of a sudden ''Get out." Trent spat venomously. Lady Courtney just laughed as she walked up to the altar, and Gwen held protectively onto Duncan as he came to her side.''Oh, I'm leaving." Lady Courtney said, her gaze never once leaving her former groom. "But first, a toast to Trent! Always the grooms man, never the groom!" She raised the chalice which held the Wine of Ages and raised an eyebrow. "Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break after it's stopped beating? Hmm?" She was delighted to see a little bit of sadness fill Trent's eyes.''Oh, that is it!" LeShawna said. "Let me at her! Let me at her!" ''Wait!" Elder Geoff said, holding out a bony finger to stop her, all the other dead people behind him, all of them eager to make Courtney hurt as much as she had hurt Trent. "We gotta abide by their rules, yo! We're among the living!" ''Well said." Courtney said. With one final smirk, she unwittingly drained the goblet, then tossed it aside before casually strolling to the door to make her exit. As she reached the door, however, the poison started to take effect. Courtney let out a few pained gasps, falling against the door as she felt her heart stop. LeShawna smirked evilly as she realized what this meant.''Not anymore..." Courtney whipped her head around, showing that she had turned blue, like Trent, Ezekiel, and the other corpses. She was a corpse now, too, dead as dust.''All yours." Elder Geoff said with a smirk.The army of the dead made their way to the now dead woman, blood in their eyes. Cody, who had gotten his sword back, ran a finger down it meaningfully, as Courtney tried futilely to escape, unable to even speak anymore. Trent, Gwen, and Duncan watched in a combination of shock and horror as they dragged her outside, DJ closing the door while quietly saying ''New arrival." Despite herself, Gwen shuddered. She didn't think that they could be so malevolent. Though part of her knew that she wanted to do the same thing. Elder Geoff replaced the stopper on the wine bottle as Duncan turned happily to Gwen.''Never thought I'd see you again, pasty." He breathed into her hair. "I'd pick you over that 'lady' a hundred times over." Trent smiled happily at them. He may not have been able to get the girl he loved, but at least one groom was going to get the happy ending he deserved. Gwen watched as he walked up to the altar.

"Wait! I made a promise!" Trent turned to smile at her, and Gwen wasn't sure whether or not it was her imagination, but the corpse seemed to be glowing as he said ''You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you." He took off Gwen's wedding ring, the one she had accidentally placed on his finger at the start,and placed it into her hand, closing her fingers around it. He stepped into the moonlight, removing and tossing aside the rose pinned to his jacket. Duncan caught it, and he and Gwen looked at it. It was wilted, but it was beautiful in its own way, like Trent. Even though Gwen didn't love him, he had left an impact on her. She knew that she would never forget him. Trent smiled at them one last time before stepping into the moonlight and, letting out a breath, turned into a bunch of white moths that flew away into the night sky. Gwen and Duncan ran out to watch them fly away. Gwen smiled, putting an arm around Duncan. Trent's soul was finally free. By bringing them together, he had managed to save himself and was now free to enjoy eternal paradise in heaven instead of staying a rotting corpse.

''Goodbye, Trent. Thank you for everything'' Gwen said to herself smiling widely

Me:Well there is the story finally finished I always did think the movie ending was beautiful :') the movie did make me cry not gonna lie! Please guys tell me what you thought of my story! And just saying I will update all of my other stories!So look out for those!But just in the meantime goodbye!😊❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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