Chapter 11:Duncan's Resolve and Lady Courtney's Evil Plan

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Me:Hey guys! This chapter will be about Duncan in 'the land of the living' so without further ado here's Chapter eleven!

Chapter 11-Duncan's Resolve and Lady Courtney's Evil Plan

Duncan snuck quietly down the stairs, knife in hand. He was going to find that dead groom, and kill him again for taking Gwen from him. Okay, true, he didn't know where exactly he was, but he didn't care. He would go to the ends of the earth, if that was what it took to get his love back.Finally, he made it to the first floor, and was just about to sneak out the door, when a familiar voice cut through his thoughts m'And just where do you think you're sneaking off to?" Duncan whipped around. There, standing on the top of the steps, were his parents, as usual, identical looks of disdain on their faces. How hadn't he heard them?! ''I'm off to find Gwen." He stated simply ''The Stoss girl?" Alejandro laughed bitterly. "You don't even know where she is!" ''Yes I do!" Duncan shot back before he could stop himself. "She was in my room just now!" His eyes suddenly widened as he realized his mistake Oh crap he thought.''What?!" Heather said, genuinely surprised. "She was in your room?" She then suddenly changed her tone. "Is the little tramp still in there?" Duncan felt like shouting at his mother for calling the girl he loved a tramp, but he managed to restrain himself ''No." He answered. "A dead man came in and took her away, and now I'm gonna find the guy and make sure he dies all over again." He ignored the glance his parents shared. Why should he care how crazy it sounded, or whether or not they believed him? They were idiots anyway. He reached out to open the door again, but Lightning came up behind him and grabbed the knife out of his hand.''Hey!" Duncan protested ''Sorry Duncan, but that's the craziest thing Lightning ever heard." The black man said.''I couldn't agree more." Heather said. "Fetch him a straitjacket! He's gone completely mad!" Duncan lunged for his knife, but Lightning grabbed him in a headlock. Even though Duncan struggled to get free, Lightning was stronger than him, and the next thing Duncan knew he was being dragged up the stairs and tossed into his bedroom, though sans straitjacket, thankfully. Heather locked him in, and Duncan glared at the door ''You can't do this!" He shouted angrily. "Gwen's still out there, and she's being held captive by that monster!" Nobody answered, and Duncan punched the wall, swearing internally. He then looked out to the balcony-and an idea came to him. He walked over and opened the balcony door, though it took a few tries. Next, he tied up his bedsheets to make a rope and tossed them over the side of the balcony. Despite himself, he couldn't help but smiled as he lowered himself to the ground. True, he was unarmed, but he'd find something in time. He'd rip Trent apart with his bare hands, if it came to that. The sheet tore a little, and Duncan stopped just inches above his parents' window, where his father was staring out at the rainy weather.''Alejandro! Come to bed at once!" Heather shouted. Alejandro mumbled a little before turning and walking away, and for once, Duncan was grateful for his mother's presence. The sheet then tore all the way, and Duncan landed on the ground. Thankfully, he was able to land on his feet, unhurt. Under the light of the moon, he ran away from his parents' lush mansion, and into the night.

After almost an hour, Duncan reached the church. He knocked on the door frantically, and Pastor Hatchet walked to the door in his nightshirt, a candle in his hand and a grumpy look on his face.''What in heaven's name...who could that be at this hour?!" He opened the door, and was shocked to see a very soaked Duncan standing there ''Mister Libertine, what are you doing here? You should be at home, prostrate with grief!" ''Prostrate with grief?" Duncan asked, raising his eyebrow. "Have you met me?! Look, I need your help..." ''This is most irregular." Pastor Hatchet said dryly, and started to close the door ''No, come on, you're the only one who can help me!" Duncan wrenched the doors open and walked inside the church. "Look, you know about death and stuff, right?" ''A grim topic for a groom." Pastor Hatchet observed in surprise ''It's a groom I'm worried about." Duncan said mysteriously. "Do you know how to get to the other side?" ''What on earth are you speaking about?!" Pastor Hatchet asked, trying to keep his voice calm, though Duncan could tell that he was disturbed by his remark.''It's Gwen!" Duncan told him. "She's married a corpse! She has a corpse groom! I want to find some way to cross over into the netherworld and save her from him! Can you help me cross over, or not?!" His eyes were wild, and his hair disheveled, making him look rather like a wild animal. Finally, he caved.''I believe I know what must be done. Come with me."

And that was how, later, Duncan found himself right back home, wrapped up in some sheets Pastor Hatchet had found in lieu of a straitjacket.''Duncan?!" Heather asked in shock 'mHe is speaking in tongues, of unholy alliances!" Pastor Hatchet said rather dramatically. "I fear his mind has come undone!" ''No!" Duncan shouted. "It's not true! Let me go!" Pastor Hatchet just pushed him forward, and Heather caught him.'mThank you so much, Pastor Hatchet! Thank you!" The big man closed the door and left, and Heather turned to Justin and Lightning.''Take him to his room!" She ordered ''No!" Duncan said again, struggling violently as Justin and Lightning dragged him upstairs again. "Gwen needs me! I have to save her! She needs me! She needs my help!" ''Lock the doors!" Heather ordered. "Bar the windows! See to it that he doesn't escape again!" ''Let me go!" Duncan shouted futilely once more. "Let me go!" Heather turned away from the stairs, sighing ''Will the mortifications never cease?!" Unseen to her, Lady Courtney was hiding behind the curtains, sinister smile in place.''It'll be years before we can show ourselves in public again!" Heather continued, walking over to her husband. "Whatever shall we do?!" ''We shall continue as planned, with or without Gwen." Alejandro announced. Lady Courtney decided that was as good a time as any to make herself known, and walked out from behind the curtains.''For that girl to toss aside a young man such as's positively criminal!" She said, putting a hand to her face like she wanted to cry. "Why, if I had a man like your son on my arm, I would lavish him with riches befitting royalty!" ''Your husband is a most fortunate man." Heather praised the younger woman.''Alas, I am not married." Lady Courtney informed her. "I was betrothed some years ago...but tragedy snatched my young groom away. When one lives alone, wealth counts for naught." She looked at the Libertines with a look of mock sadness, and the wheels started clicking in their heads as they shared a look.

In his room, Duncan tried to get his door open with a harpoon that his father had kept as a trophy. Before he could get another try, however, the door opened, and Duncan had to hide the harpoon behind his back as his parents walked into the room.''Marvelous news, Duncan, there'll be a wedding after all." Alejandro told him.''You found her?!" Duncan asked, hardly daring to believe it.''Make haste dear, our relatives will be arriving any moment." Heather added. "You must make yourself presentable for Lady Courtney." The harpoon fell from Duncan's hands ''Lady Courtney?" he asked, trying to keep himself from snapping ''She will make a fine wife." Heather assured him.''Aye, a fortuitous turn of events indeed." Alejandro said, rather proud of himself.''far better prospect this time." Heather said decisively.''But I don't even like her!" Duncan said defiantly. "I won't do this!" ''We must." Alejandro said firmly.''I won't." Duncan said, just as firmly.''Without your marriage to Lady Courtney, we shall be forced penniless into the street!" Alejandro shouted at him. "We are destitute!" ''But..." Duncan didn't want to do this. He didn't want this so-called 'lady'. He wanted to be with the girl he loved. "Gwen..." ''Gwen Stoss is gone, boy!" Heather joined in ''You shall marry Lady Courtney tomorrow, and that is that!" Alejandro finished. He and Heather walked out the door, then turned to face their son, who was even more broken than before.''According to plan!" And with that final line, they slammed the door, walking down the hall, past the portraits of their ancestors. Lady Courtney watched them as they left, then turned around, chuckling evilly to herself as she walked up to the picture of Duncan.''Oh my dear, don't look at me that way!" she said to the picture. "You only have to suffer this union until death do us part! And that will come sooner than you think." She walked off, satisfied that her dastardly plan was in action.

Me:Wow it sucks to be Duncan in this chapter. And yes, I decided to change it a bit to have Duncan try and go after Trent in the beginning of the chapter, because I thought it was more in character for him. I hope you guys liked this chapter!💕

The corpse Groom (genderbent story) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum