Chapter 12:Reconciliation

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Me:Alright here's chapter 12! But just before I start Let me sing you the song of my people: I don't own Corpse Bride, oh no I don't! I don't own Total Drama, nosiree! I don't own nothing, golly gee! *Crickets chirp in the background* Shut up. I thought it was clever X(

Chapter twelve-Reconciliation

Outside of town, Chris and Blaineley were looking frantically for Gwen. Blaineley had even taken care to pin a poster of her daughter behind the carriage.''it's almost dawn! Where could she be?!" She asked, torn between annoyance and worry. Beth, who was nearby, rang her bell, shouting''Gwen Stoss elopes with corpse! Heartbroken groom to marry wealthy newcomer!" ''Wealthy newcomer?" Blaineley asked, trading a look with Chris. "It cannot be!" ''Did she say 'corpse'?" Chris asked nervously.''Oh, don't be ridiculous!" Blaineley chided. "What corpse would marry our Gwen?!" Outside, Ezekiel was coughing violently, hardly able to breathe in between coughing fits. Blaineley glared up at the roof.''Ezekiel! Silence that blasted coughing!" She said for the second time that day, hitting the ceiling with her parasol.Up on the roof, Ezekiel just kept coughing, then put a hand to his chest, letting out a final gasp. Finally, the pneumonia that he had been fighting all this time claimed him, and he fell off the carriage, tumbling roughly to the ground as his life faded from him.''Are you trying to kill us?!" Blaineley asked from inside. "Chris, I think he's trying to kill us!" And with that, she and her husband were carried off on an untended carriage, blissfully unaware that their coachman was no longer in the land of the living.

On the other side, Gwen walked up to the Ball and Socket, the ritzy nightclub she had woken up in after being spirited away to the Netherworld. She looked down at Angus and Vampyra, who were working together to carry Trent's rose. She felt really bad after her argument with Trent. Even though she didn't love him, like she said, she did feel sorry for him, especially after hearing how he died.Being murdered on his wedding night-what a horrible way to die Gwen thought and she took the rose from her dead pets and walked inside. Trent was sitting at the piano, morosely playing a tune. Gwen walked down the stairs, and walked up to the corpse.''I...I um, think you dropped this." Gwen held the rose out to Trent, but he just ignored her and kept on playing. Gwen just set the dead flower down on the keys and sat down on the bench, sighing.''I'm sorry." She said quietly. "I'm sorry I lied to you, and I'm sorry about what I said. It's just that, this whole day-nothing has gone according to plan." Gwen inwardly cringed as she realized how much she sounded like her parents.
Somewhere, the karma gods are laughing at me. Instinctively, she reached out and tapped a few keys on the piano. Trent glared at her out of the corner of his eye, and Gwen stopped, drawing her hand back. Trent started playing again, and once he was done, Gwen started playing again. They went on like this for a little while, then Gwen started playing a lively, upbeat tune on the piano. Despite himself, Trent raised an eyebrow, smirking at her as they started playing a duet together. Gwen smiled a little. She was getting through to him! Trent's skeleton hand suddenly detached from his wrist and crawled over the keys and over Gwen's arm.''Pardon my enthusiasm." Trent laughed.

"I don't mind your enthusiasm." Gwen said honestly, grabbing his hand off her shoulder and attaching it back onto his wrist.Suddenly, the moment was interrupted by the ringing of a bell.''New arrival! New arrival!" DJ shouted, pushing through the door. Several of the other corpses followed him, all of them really excited about something.''Out of the way, out of the way!" Lindsay the Head Waitress said as she scuttled along on the bar. She turned to Sam.''A pint for you?" she asked. Sam split himself in half again and both halves said at the same time ''Nah, just a half." Some cockroaches accidentally ran into her, knocking her over.'mAh! It's just so hard to get good help these days!" ''Coming through, coming through!" DJ pushed his way through the crowd to greet the newcomer. "Nice to meet you. I'm DJ." Gwen turned around to see the new arrival, and her eyes widened as she recognized him.''Ezekiel? Ezekiel!" She stood up and started to run over to see him. "It's so great to s-" Ezekiel turned around, and Gwen stopped as she saw that he was the same shade of blue as Trent and the other corpses.''I'm so sorry." She said, instantly realizing that he was dead.''Oh, don't worry about it." Ezekiel said. "I feel great, eh." Despite the fact that he didn't technically have to breathe anymore, he took a deep breath, happy that he didn't have to suffer from pneumonia anymore. Lindsay got her cockroaches to give Ezekiel a drink, and Gwen told him ''I have to get back. Duncan must be worried sick about me. And even my parents must be missing me. How are they?" ''As far as I know, your parents are still looking for you." Ezekiel said, taking a sip of his drink. "Mister Duncan, on the other hand..." He looked off to the side awkwardly, and Gwen knew that something bad was coming up.''Yes?" she asked hesitantly.''He's getting married tomorrow'' ''W-What?" Gwen said not believing him ''Yeah." Ezekiel said. "To some Lady. Guess they didn't want to waste the cake." ''But...I don't understand." Gwen said, feeling her heart breaking at the thought of her one true love marrying someone else. "How could he? I thought we-" Despite herself, Gwen could feel her eyes welling up with tears. She walked out of the club so that nobody would see her crying.''Gwen? Where are you going?" Trent asked her from the piano. Gwen ignored him. The only man she had ever loved was marrying someone else, after all they had been through together, after she confessed her love for him. As she walked out the door, Gwen thought darkly that maybe she now had something in common with Trent in that regard.

Me:Wow-life gets harder and harder for everyone. Or, afterlife, in Trent's case.

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