Chapter Two

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On Friday afternoon, for the first time in the month I enter class just in time. When I enter class, I see Taehyung again – how long is he going to be in here?

I see my two friends Yejin and Jiwon but my eyes are on Taehyung with his broken left arm.

I slowly enter the room and walk to the girls but my legs automatically walk to Taehyung and I ask, "Can I sit here?"

"Sure," he says.

Well, I am the only one he knows in class. He's in a different group and I am his senior.

"So, I heard the lecturer is boring," he says, leaning towards me.

"Yeah," I chuckle nervously. "He actually is, also he gets mad easily so I advise to pretend listening."

At that, he laughs at my nonsense joke.

During the whole class, we partner up in activities and just getting to know each other. Well, he is two years older than me and I don't really know him to the point where I feel comfortable of telling him about my so called best friend.

"Want to see some embarrassing photos of her during high school?" I tell him, my face light up. Taehyung nods and I open my laptop.

"I should send this to her," he says and took out his phone. Taking a few shots, he sends it to her on the spot.

When he says that, I feel a bit concern because I know how Sera will react to things like this.

As soon as he gets the text back, he shows it to me.

Sera: Hey! That looks like from Jungjoo's!

Taehyung: You look funny!

Sera: Stop it! I will kill the both of you

Taehyung: Come on, we're just messing around

After a few minutes, Taehyung sends a last text and she doesn't read it. I knew it, she won't be on and she gets mad easily. I hate it when she does that, can't take a joke.

"She's mad," I say.

"How'd you know?" he ask.

"Well, she'll be mad for a while but because you are a boy, she'll be fine but when it's me... she won't talk to me for a few days," I say and I realize what I just said. "I'm sorry, ignore that."

"No," he stops me from not talking again. "Tell me."

I look at our lecturer, I am still glad he's still talking and occupying himself with some back stories that no one actually listens.

"Do you really want to know?" I raise my eyebrow.

He nods.

"Well, Sera is not who you think she is. She changes a lot, unlike in high school." My head hurts from remembering the past. "It's complicated to say because there's a lot actually."

"Then let's go out and you can tell me everything." He leans back of his chair and smiles at me. "I'll text you."

"How about after class?" he asks suddenly.

"Sure, why not, I have nothing to do anyway." I agree.

Right after class, Taehyung rides his own car and I ride my own to stop by Coex. My favorite coffee shop is there so I suggest the both of us to hang out there, since his arm is broken, we can't play any arcade games.

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