Chapter Five

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I can't sleep well last night just thinking about me fake dating, I mean come on – it's a fake thing but I get fluttery inside thinking about it.

Looking at my watch, it's 8 in the morning. Class starts in 4 hours and what am I going to do now?

I decide to waste my time and later then it's already 11.30AM. Just 30 minute more and class will start.

I make my way to class and suddenly I see Sera and Taehyung talking. Now it's making me more nervous.

Taehyung sees me and signals me to come over.

Okay Jungjoo, all you have to do is act.

"Hey Jungjoo," Taehyung smiles and I know, it's time.

"Yeah, hey Jungjoo," Sera greets in the most annoying voice. "I am going to say this straight. Don't act, give it up already. You guys are so not dating for real."

"We actually are," I say with bravery.

"No, I don't believe it," she denies. "I mean, how can a handsome and a perfect guy like Taehyung fall for you. The total opposite," she scoffs.

"Don't say things like that to her," Taehyun's voice sounds mad. "She's your best friend, a simple congratulation or at least pretend to be happy is enough."

"Well, if it's real. Congratulations."

"Whatever, I am hanging out with my girlfriend. See you around Sera," Taehyun puts his right arm around me and we walk towards the classroom.

I feel like dying. I feel bad towards Sera and lying this whole thing to her.

The next thing I know, Taehyung and I are already in class but there's no one there yet. My classmates like to arrive on time.

"Stop thinking," he tells me.

"What?" I zone out for a while. He's right, I was thinking.

"Remember what I said?" he steps closer. "You deserve better."

"Okay," I say but I remember something. "I was supposed to give you this."

I put out a black color dreamcatcher keychain, it's my most favorite.

"It means a lot to me, I am not giving it to you. It's just for show that we have something to match, I have the natural colors and yours is black. Looks the same," I say, giving him my price possession.

"Wow, thanks, I will take care of it like my life depends on it," he carefully accepts it and immediately puts on his bag.

"I bought it all the way in America, it's expensive and it means a lot to me because that's my favorite and I trust you with it," I say, repeating that it's my favorite to him so he won't forget.

"Don't worry Miss Worry-A-Lot." He ruffles my hair and goes to his seat.

Just then my classmates come in and everything goes back to normal. Taehyung makes his way to his seat but I decide to go out to the girl's bathroom. Not really.

"Hey Jungjoo!" someone calls me from behind. I turn around and see Sera walking towards me.

Oh crap, my heart starts to beat uncontrollably and words are choking.

"I knew you'd be here," she says and sits across me. "This is like your favorite place. It's a bit far from everyone."

"I know," I smile.

Let's Not Fall In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora