Chapter Ten

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Sumer is over and Hyorin really helped me during the holiday, staying in Jeju-do for three months actually helps me relax and clear my mind.

Going back to my dorm, I see that it's a bit dusty and there's some cleaning to do. Class will start tomorrow, might as well enjoy this day too by cleaning my room.

I put on some old style jean jumps with a white shirt inside, tie my hair back with a purple bow and ready to clean.

It's really dusty and I can't stand them, I get sick easily.

An hour later my phone rings, I put down a book I'm reading that I find in the corner of my study table.

Taking my phone near the TV, I answer it without looking who's calling.

"Yeah?" I answer, leaning on the counter.

"I heard you're back in town,"

The caller ID says Sera. I honestly hope it's Taehyung that's calling.

"Yeah, just arrived," I say and put her on speaker so I can hear her loud and clear.

"Want to hang out with me and Jin?"

"Why?" I pause, Jin – as in Kim Seokjin?

"Because you're lonely and I am worried for you. You know, ever since you and Taehyung broke up. Why?" she sounds concern.

Oh... I forgot. He and I apparently "broke up".

Why does it hurt? He and I never dated anyway.

"Oh um... I don't want to talk about it," I say. "And... how and you Jin got together?"

"That's a very nice question," she excitingly squeals at the other side. "I started talking to him ever since we started college, he and I umm... we just clicked. I will tell you more when we meet."

I swallow in all of the pain I'm feeling. "You know... I had feelings for Jin right?"

The other line is quiet for a few seconds, "Yeah, you had feelings and you told me you didn't like him anymore. So, we just get together."

"Uhh," I choke on what to say next. "I will see you later." And hang up.

I put my phone down and take a few seconds looking out the window. My eyes feel hot and my vision is blurry. Why can't I see?

The next thing I know, I feel hands are on my waist like someone is hugging from behind. As odd as it seems, I feel a little better.

"Don't listen to her." A guy's voice appears and I think I know who it is.

"I don't want to, I don't intend to."

He turns me around carefully, "You don't have to go to her."

When I see his face, it's Taehyung. I know it's him by his voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"Aren't we still together?"

"But we fake broke up, we were never together."

"I know and that's why I'm here. To be with you again," he lifts my chin lightly and leans his head closer.

I close my eyes and wait.


"Argh!" I fall off my couch, everything is spinning and confusing me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Hyorin is picking up stuff that I throw on the ground. "Were you sleeping?"

I look around, "I guess so." My place is still unclean and not finish, I look at the time and it's three in the afternoon. The last time I look at the clock is at 1PM.

"I guess I fell asleep reading some old stuff," I laugh, remembering the event.

"I came 5 minutes ago, I saw you sleeping on the couch and thought that I might help you." Hyorin is sitting on the floor putting some of my stuff in a box.

I remember that Sera called me, is it true because it felt real. Making a fast pace towards my phone that's on the kitchen counter, I open the history call and surprisingly, the last call I made was yesterday and no recent calls from Sera.

Then Taehyung came over and said that we never broke up and the prank was still on.

It's just all a dream. Half of me is relief and half is not, wishing that it was real – but it feels real.

"Am I crazy?" I place my hand on my forehead.

"Uh, you always are," Hyorin laughs maniacally. "You're talking to yourself right now you know that."

"You're talking to yourself," I throw her a paper bag.

The next day turn to next week, nothing is happening and I don't see Taehyung anywhere. He is really good in disappearing.

Even though after my classes, I would go and 'naturally' pass by his class to see if he's there or not or wait somewhere far and unnoticed until all of his classmates enter class, and guess what, he's not even there, not even in a crowd.

The next two weeks, I decide to stay a little longer in college because Yejin and Jiwon want to sign up in some volunteering thing that I don't even have the energy to care.

"Come on, she has to be here," says Jiwon, impatiently.

"Who?" I ask.

"Hyereung, she wants to sign up too but she's MIA!" Jiwon frustratingly spins her chair around. Yejin find it annoying but decides to spin her chair too.

I am leaning against the table facing the two, looking at the drawings that are drawn on it, I find it amusing because that's been there ever since. The memories that are plaster on them.

"Finally, there she is!" Jiwon points and Hyereung happily skips to us.

When she enters, someone behind her looks very familiar and in a matter of seconds, my whole world turns to a standstill.

Our eyes meet but I am the first to pretend I don't see him and smile at Hyereung coming instead. "Sorry I am late, I was eating cream puffs," she smiles widely.

At that, I do not want to see where he goes.

"Its fine, lets sign up," Yejin takes her stuff. "Thanks for waiting with us Jungjoo, see you tomorrow."

"No problem, see you." We wave goodbye.



Author's Note: 15/10/2017 

Hey guys, somehow Chapter Ten was deleted for some reason so I put it back. If you get this notification or something it means that I'm kind of polishing this book ^_^ 

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