Chapter Three

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"Tell me while walking you home," he says and we both stand up.

I guess it has been hours being in that café that we don't realize the time, Taehyung pays our drinks which is so kind for him to do so and we start walking out the mall.

"Umm, how can you walk me home when we both ride separately?" I ask as soon as we reach the entrance, it sounds funny.

"Oh right," Taehyung laughs. "That's too bad. Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow sounds great," I nod.

"I'll see you in class," he waves goodbye with his free arm. I can't help but laugh at the sight. "I'll just text you instead."

It's weird that we're talking now. He's usually some guy I know in Sera's class and now... we'll be friends.

The next morning, I wake up early to an annoying sound. My eyes squinting to see the sight of my phone ringing, when I finally see it, I reach my hand and answer.

"Yeah?" I rub my eyes and sit up on my bed.

"Junjoo, come over to the music club."

When I see my phone screen, Sera is calling.

"Alright, I will be right over in ten minutes," I say and hang up.

Exactly then minutes later, I enter the music club and hoping that there's no one but when as soon as I step feet inside, there's a lot of people sitting.

"Hey Jungjoo, just in time," Sera whispers to me, "Come, I save a sit for you." She brings me to an empty sit at the far left corner, she knows I like the back seat.

But I wonder why she called me here.

"Thank you all members for coming. I will say it straight, Hwang Sera will be your new leader," one of the members announces and everyone just claps and some are cheering louder.

Okay, I think I know where this is going.

"Thank you so much Jinyoung, I will try to be the best leader for all of you and make this music club even more fun and musical in the future!" she cheers at the end and somehow the crowd goes crazy.

I hear shouts like, "Yeah, go Sera we trust you!" or "What a great decision!"

After that, everything and everyone is gone out of the room. All there's left are me, Sera and some members who have been in the club longer than us.

I stand up from sitting down uncomfortably, approaching Sera as she sees me making my way towards her.

"Congratulations," I hug her.

"Thanks, now we're both leaders!" she jumps happily. "Can you believe it? We're in the same level and my next goal is to be a student council."

"Okay. You go for that," I say, not excited. "I have somewhere to be, I will see you."

"Sure, I will be having lunch with Jin. You can come if you want," she says.

That strikes me a bit.

Jin is actually a guy I have a crush on for a few months, he and I never talk to each other anymore but I still have feelings for him.

Sera knew that Jin is my crush but she must've told him that I have a crush on him and from then, he rarely talks to me. I know he doesn't feel the same.

"No thanks I am meeting a friend of mine for the media thing," I put my hands in my pockets and walk away. I just don't want to listen more from her.

Let's Not Fall In LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz