Chapter Four

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I have been thinking about his so called prank. Honestly, I don't even want to do it because it's a stupid idea!

On the contrary... it will be a great feeling of some revenge towards her. I don't actually do revenge but only when necessary. But hey, everyone deserves a little revenge.

Looking at the time, I have to be in the media club to escape from reality for a while. Passing by each rooms of club, the music club door was suspiciously slightly open.

My curiosity kicks in and I make an option to take a peek whoever's inside so I can properly close the door.

As soon as I hold the door knob, I hear someone inside and it does not sound like someone talking. Pushing myself to see what's going on the other side... do my eyes deceive me?

It's Sera and Jin making out on a table. Jin... she knows I have a crush on Jin. Or do I?

Something hurt inside me and it's furious, building up heat that I feel like flipping tables.

I let go of the door knob and stomp all the way to my dorm. When I reach there a few minutes, Taehyung is already sitting outside on the stairs.

"Are you crying?" he gets up instantly and I did not realise I'm crying.

"Let's pretend to date," I say it straight. "Let's do it for fuck's sake."

"We need a very strong convincing story," I say.


"Because she won't believe that I'll be dating, especially with you."

Taehyung is in my dorm making himself some coffee and ramen, the kitchen is small and he's taking his sweet time making his food. It's amazing that he can still do stuff on his own even when his left arm is on a cast.

I am just sitting down on my couch and watch whatever's on TV.

"How about... I first fell for you when we met?" he implies.

"Nope," I shake my head. "Too typical."

"Hmm," he hums, making his way to me and gives me his half eaten ramen. "Here you go, I can't finish."

"Oh wow, thanks," I take some and finish the rest.

"I'm no romantic but how about we first have feelings for each other ever since I enter your class," he shrugs at the idea.

"Nice, nice," I start to think on more. "We start to hang out more since then and then!" I get too excited sometimes and Taehyung jumps a little on my sudden outburst.

"Then you confessed to me on the 22nd April and we started dating," I say in excitement and I look at Taehyung's face for any reactions.

"Right, it has been a week now," he nods repeatedly. "Good, good. We need more."

"That will convince her," I say.

"Why? Is it that hard to convince Sera?" he laughs.

"She knows I haven't dated anyone at all, it's hard for her to accept that I am dating. She's used to me having crushes and not ending up with them," I explain.

"How come? You're like so easy to talk to," he stands up and makes his way to my bed. I look at him struggling laying down comfortably, it's a funny sight.

After an hour of figuring our dating story, everything we plan is specific and easy to remember. If Sera ask a question, we can answer freely but we have to tell each other as soon as possible.

"Have you ever been kissed?" he asks. A question I do not want to ever hear in my life.

"No," but I had to answer truthfully.

"How can we kiss in front of her when you don't know how?" he exclaims.

"Isn't it supposed to come natural?" that make him sigh deeply.

"Why were you crying?" he looks at me but I turn away, Taehyung sits up straight from my bed and waits for my response. "You can tell me, we're dating aren't we?"

"Ha-ha, very funny," I roll my eyes.

It becomes quiet for a while and only the sound from the TV can be heard.

"If it's that bad you don't have to tell me, I'm sorry," he stands up and sits next to me.

"No, I do... I want to tell you," I say and meddle with my fingers. "I saw Sera and Jin making out in the music room."

"Okay," he says confusingly.

"I had a crush on Jin for a while now but ever since we don't talk anymore, my feelings for him start to fade away but it came back again every time I see him. But I don't know anymore," I tell him. "I guess the feeling left for a long time."

"I think we are going to kill this prank," he cheers happily. "You deserve to be happy."

I haven't hear that in a while, the word 'You', 'Deserve' and 'Happy' in one word and it's all for me.

"I deserve to be happy?"

"Yeah, I've gotten to know you for the past few days and so far," he pauses. "Everything she's done to you and you've done for her. It's finally your time to get back and I will be beside you every step of the way Lee Jungjoo."

I don't know why but I feel so giddy inside, it's nothing new but with a partner in crime, things will be different from now on.

"Okay," I agree. "Let's knock that motherfucker out."

"Fighting, girlfriend," he puts his right hand out for a high five.

I hesitate a bit, "Fighting, boyfriend."

And we both burst out of laughter at how cheesy it is.

"I will break the news to her first," he says. "And we'll start from then, whatever happens."



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