I loveh this gurl!!

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Lillys pov 

Me niall and taylah just finished playing soccer (well niall calls it football) 

we are walking taylah home. she only lives 10 minutes.

i love this girl shes nice carefree... but i have to get used to niall having a girlfriend.

i may have kissed him but i dont really mind its apart of the past

"lilly?" niall says snapping me out of my daydream

niall was holding hands with taylah and me..

he felt proud having two princesses..

i smiled up at him and he just smiled back 

"what are you smiling about princess?" he says looking at me 

Taylah dosent look at me with jealousy she just smiles at me.. Freaking wattpad books (:P)

"well you look happy having two princess!" i say looking from taylah to niall

He smiles and says "well yes i am, im very proud but just dont wanna see my young princess go" 

"aww thanks  niall.." i say hugging him

we walked for 3 more minutes until taylah said 

"im sorry guys gotta go my mum will be mad at me bye" she says kissing niall on the lips and then kissing me on the check then followed by a hug 

"nice meeting you ill see you soon..." she says running inside 

as me and niall walk home my feet get really sore so i say to niall

"can you carry me my feet kill"

"okay princess" he says lifting me up on his back 

as niall starts to walk i start to drift into a deep sleep....


*5:00 PM*

As i wake up i realise im not on nialls back im on my bed

as i walk downstairs i see 3 girls with the boys..

then when i walk to the lounge a brunette girl with hazel eyes says 

"hi im eleanor and im louis girlfriend" 

"hi" i say shyly 

as i replied i saw a girl with brown hair and brown eyes just like eleanor but she has puffier hair.

"hi im danielle but call me dani im liams girlfriend" she says as the boys walk in

i mentally facepalm and say 

"How did you idiots get beautiful girlfriends??"  pointing to liam and louis 

There responce was laughng 

"well because were hansome" louis says 

i just blink and walk away 

i cant stop thinking about zayn!! hes just so sad he cuts everyday because of me!! 

But what i do next is the unthinkable...

{Book 2} The malik princess {sequel to Are You Legit!}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang