The "naylah" breakup

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Lillys pov

What? Did i hear him correctly?

"Are you playing around with me?" I say to niall

He shakes his head saying no

Well i have to believe him!

Hes freaking crying!

The at least i could do was help?!

"Okay , niall do you want to talk about it?" i say comfortingly

He didnt say anything..

He just stared at the blank wall

Nialls pov

As lilly said "did you wanna talk about it" i just flashbacked on how it all unfolded


I looked down.. and rethought the words i said to lilly until i heard my ring tone go off..

I realised it was one of my princesses


I smiled slightly then answered

(T-Taylah N-Niall )

N- "Hey Babe" i say normaly

T- "Heyyy" she says strangly

N- "Are you okay?" i ask seriously

T- "Yeah, Im fine.." she says trailing off weirdly

Somethings definetly up.. Then something strange happens on the other line.. I heard a boy voice say "Babe come back to bed..."

I felt betrayed



But most of all


As i came back to reality i realised i was cheated on..

T- "Oh yeah and niall... Were threw.." She says in a bitchy accent

I hung up


I then came back to my surroundings then relaised that lilly was trying to get me attention for the past 4 minutes..

"Sorry princess, i just zoned out and had a flash back" i say sniffiling

She mustve had an effect on Taylah.. She looked sad...

I felt terrible.. Even though i didnt break up with her ..

As i thought she would go rage at me instead she replaced it with a soothing hug..

She wipped my tears away and tucked me into bed

"You better get some rest! Just give me a call alright!" she says kissing my check

"Alright, princess and thanks for everything.." I say looking at her

She just smiled and said

" Dont worry about it, i had to help my best friend!" She says laughing and closing my door

As i laid in my bed thinking what such an amazing princess i had..

She may be younger than me , alot like me.. And cares alot about me...

Im glad i have her!

Zayns pov

Its been 20 minutes since i saw niall and lilly!

Where did she go? im furious!

As i tensed as i heard footsteps upstairs perrie said to me

"Calm your manboobs down.. lillys gonna be alright.. they must have just been talking"

I tensed less at her words..

But there was something niall wasnt telling me!

As i saw who was comming downstairs i realised it was lilly..

I walked up to her and stood in front of her

"WERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY??" i say through gritted teeth getting everybodys attention

Lillys pov

Ive never ever seen zayn like this... (When hes not drunk)

He better not slap me in the face again

As i was about to reply zayns hand

Was flying up in the air...

I closed my eyes waiting for the familiar pain like 3 months ago..

For a first i didnt see it..all i saw was perrie holding back zayns hand..

Zayns face soffened and said

"Oh my gosh lilly im so sorry.."

I just nodded my head and look down

After a couple moments of silence i pull my head back up to see a very shocked eleanor and a very disgusted dani at zayns actions...

Shes probably not that mad..

Shell get over it..

I ignore everybodys eyes and walk to Nialls room..

As i open the door silently.. I walk to a sleepy niall and slip into his bed..

He flittered his eyes open and says

"Whats the matter princess?" he says confusingly

"Zayn was about to hit me again.. But perrie stopped him.." i say tears falling for the second time today..

"Dont worry, princess lets go to sleep" he says pulling me closer ro his warm and bare body

"Niall?" i say looking up at him

"Yes princess?" he says clossing his eyes

"Thank you for being there for me when i need it in my darkest hours.. We may have had a weird past relationship.. but thanks anyway!" i say drifting to sleep

" No, thankyou for helping me when im sad broken or something else.. " Niall says while kissing my temple before falling into a deep sleep..

{Book 2} The malik princess {sequel to Are You Legit!}Where stories live. Discover now