Going to my first award show?

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Perries pov (yayy!)

Lilly just came came back from school and was telling us how she met all of her friends. Im happy shes enjoying a public school and suprised she doesnt have any bullies.

All of the boys and us have to go to an award show and the producers expect us to bring lilly with us and just to add we have to bring dates! Lilly can just take niall. And well harry.. he can take kendall.

"Lilly can you come here please!" I shouted from my room

"Comming!" i heard lilly yell back then arrive in my room

"So tommorow we have to go to an award show in LA, and you have to come too and bring a date. so you dont mind if you take niall?" i say nervously

She just smiled and said

"Okay,mum and sure ill take niall" she says

"Okay, thanks now go get packed. we leave at 3:00 am tommorow" i say sighing in relief

"Alright, bye mum" she says leaving

Lillys pov

As i walk out of mums room, i run to nialls room and burst in saying

"Your my date tommorow!!"

He just looks up from his phone and jumps up and down shouting


I smile then join the jumping leprauchan.

After a while we lost all of our energy, then collapsed on the bed with eachother in our arms.

"We have to get packed to go LA!" i say to niall

"Alright, you better go and do yours and ill suprise you with what im gonna wear tommorow!" niall says getting his suitecase

"Okay, bye nialler!" i say walking out of his room

"Bye babe" niall says winking at me

I blush in responce

*after finishing packing 2 hours later*

" 2 snapbacks, 3 teeshirts 3 pants, 1 pair of jeans.. makeup.." i mutter to myself

"Love, i think you got everything..." a strong irish voice says behind me

"I know nialler but i have no idea what to wear to the award show! i just wanna turn up in convereses and a dress!" i say fustrated

"Its alright, i know its your first award show but we will do it toghther!" niall says wrapping his arms around my waist. he knows how to make me happy .

I just hold his hands then reply

"Okay.. probably mum will out the dress!"

I just hope she picks wisely.. ill just have a chat with her

"Im just gonna have a chat with mun on what im gonna wear. see you in 10!" i say kissing his check and then running out

"Mumm!" i say as i ran into her room

"Yes, love?" She says looking up from her laptop

"What am i gonna wear tommorow?" i say gasping for air

She looked at me with confusment then clicks and gasps and said

"I forgot all about it so do you have any style?"

"Hmm... well i want to go in a short.. well above the knee grey dress but black around the breast area.. and black converses.." i say awkwardly

She nodds and says

"We can do it, lou understands your style"

"Okay, better get to bed.. say goodnight to your dad too." mum says kissing my temple

"Okay good night mum" i say

"Daddd!" i say running downstairs to see dad.

"Hey love!" dad says hugging me

"I just came to say goodnight " i say kissing his check and hugging him.

"Okay babe good night!" dad says pulling away

"Goodnight uncle harry, liam, louis!!" I say waving at them goodnight

"Goodnight lilly!" they reply in unison

As i walk to my room i realise i have to text jasmine taylah ashlee and amy!

I pulled out my phone and start a group convo

( AS-ashlee A-amy J-jasmine T-taylah L-me)

Me- Hey guys cant go to school tommorow :( have to go to an award show in LA!

AS- Okay :( see you soon xx

Me- dont worry.. im still cumin bak! :)

AS- :) xx

T- okay.. see you on tv ! Xx

Me- :)

J- okay.. ill be watching you!

Me- okay stalker :P

J- lol :P

A- we will miss youh cutie! See you when you come back!

Me- okay bye everybody! <3

*end of convo*

And with that i feel into a deep sleep..

{Book 2} The malik princess {sequel to Are You Legit!}Where stories live. Discover now