An Eventful Welcoming

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It wasn't long before Joe, your assistant, barged into your office holding a bundle of files. He set them down on top of your current paperwork and took a step back.

"Doctor Strange... Hmm strange name. Hahahah see what I did there Joe."

You looked up, bellowing in laughter and obviously proud of your smug little pun but Joe didn't look all to impressed.

"What?" You enquired "Ok fine. I take it back. You did find someone better than me? Hahah who am I kidding. He's probably just another rookie--"

But before you could finish your comment he placed his iPad down on your desk and proceeded to open a file marked 'Impossible'

"Oh come on now Joe," your British accent rang through the vast elegantly designed office decorated with certificates and letters framed on the darkly coloured walls.

"He can't be that good." Unaware of the wonders that lay beyond the plain looking file, you opened them expecting some photos of people who were 'cured' from day to day illnesses.

You swiped between photos, X-ray scans, MRI photos and CT scans. With each swipe your mind took in the information, slowly you gasped in awe. You stood up abruptly talking the device with you.


"Five years, Look Miss. You told me to find someone better and I found him. What are you going to do now?"

"It's not about what I'm going to do, it's about when I'm going to do it. And to answer that question, I'm going to do it right now."

"Miss?" Joe asked seeming confused with the quickly unfolding events.

"Book a flight to New York, the sooner the better. I want him."

You put down the tablet displaying a frozen image of the Doctor on your mahogany desk and walked out of your office. The sound of your heels vibrated through the tiled floors and into the offices of unsuspecting interns.


The cold nippy London air filled your lungs as you got out of your car and into the international terminal at Heathrow. The smiling faces of the staff made you feel welcome and comfortable among the writhing masses of people looking to get from point A to point B somewhere else in the world. Joe led the way to the checkin desk with your bags and his in hand. You'd often wonder how you'd gotten such a person to work with you. He was amazing as far as you were concerned. But he wasn't the matter at hand. 'He' was. Doctor Stephen Strange.

You were snapped out of your daydream by the usual check in staff.

"Where are you off to today? India, Budapest, South America, Antartica?" she let out a small giggle.

"I do like to travel but not that much Karen. How's the fiancé? How's the wedding planning---"

You often induced small talk between you and the Star Alliance staff members. But today your mind was far from processing the information that was bombarding you from the staff at the check in desk to the final security check. It was going to be a long flight. 12 hours to be exact.


The hospital was buzzing with patients zooming in and out. You'd managed to get past the front desk and into a meeting with the board. The problem was the meeting was hours away so you had to find something or someone to take your mind off the impending disaster of a meeting you were about to experience

Joe on the other hand had managed to get himself some friends to "have a good time with before going back to London"

Since when does Joe have friends in New York. Of all places, New York. Maybe I don't know him as much as I thought I did.

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