Predictions and Doctors

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The New York hospital was buzzing with patients. The wailing of sirens continuously disappeared and appeared again in a continuos loop for as long as you could imagine. You were on E.R duty. Again.

"Code Red. A fourteen year old female in a car accident with possible collapsed lungs. On the helicopter pad."

The announcement flooded the rooms followed by doctors and nurses trampling all over the place to get ready  for the incoming patient. Monitors were rolled across the floors. Doctors and nurses were already planning their next step of action. Including you.

"Y/n I need you to come with me to the pad!" Christine was already halfway to the silver elevator when she yelled for your assistance.

You quickly paced over to her and got in behind her. A moment of silence passed before you decided to question her about your purpose in the E.R.

"Christine, I'm a cardiovascular surgeon. What am I doing in the E.R? This isn't the first time you've done this to me. I mean, I get it you need the help but I've got patients too and you can't storm into an operation because you need me" you argued. But she simply turned to you and smiled.

"You love it." She stated as the elevator bell rung.

Before you could reply the elevator doors opened and the warm breeze of the NY summer air hit you. You took a deep breath before running to the helicopter which since then had turned off its whirring engines.

The next few minutes with the patient were always critical. As you arrived to her, she was laying in a pool of blood. She had cuts and bruises all over her body. Her legs were crushed under the intense force of the car crash. And her hands lay there. Still. Almost dead. Unrecognizable.

A few hours passed and you and the team of hardworking doctors had managed to get her into the O.R. You walked over the the nurses desk in the middle of the ER and put down a file. You lay your heavy head on the stone marble desk and sighed.

"Again. That's the second time this week," one of the nurses working in the computers stated as they noticed your diminishing 'Doctor mojo'

"Oh Sammy, I might as well be admitted in the E.R if I continue on like this"

"Would you rather be making smooching faces at your boyfriend over at Main?" The nurse let out a small chuckle before getting interrupted by Christine.

"It's not that bad."

"It's horrible. Tiring. Not to mention excruciatingly painful. My back is officially useless. I am 26. 26 Christine. And I have literally managed to get the bones of a 78 year old woman. 78. That's almost quadruple my age."

She let out a bellowing laugh as you stared at her. Judging by your current situation you predicted that you were most definitely without doubt going to retire in the next few days. Or you might as well drop dead as a door nail right away.

"The look on your face, that's the look of your weird and might I add highly incorrect and out of this world predictions" she stated as she moved towards the nearby wall, taking a file and filling it out.

"They keep me going Christine, believe it or not"

"Oh come on. You know you love this. You love the hype. You love the rush. You love the people. You love saving lives. You never see it when your actually doing it, but after you send a patient through those hallways to get a life saving operation, your face lights up. And guess what you do? You go back and you do it all over again. Sure you might be tired as hell when the day's done. But you love it."

No matter how you looked at it she was right. You loved every second of being in the E.R. You couldn't argue with her when in fact what she was saying was true.

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