Fun Times

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Oh Doctor Strange. Really. I can't wait to explore your fascinating self.

You made your way to the top floor of the hospital and let yourself into a designated conference room. You took a seat in one of the jet black leather chairs on the opposite side of the glass table placed in the middle of the room. The view was astonishing despite the fact that New York was one of the most crowded places in the world.

A group of what you assumed were doctors waltzed in buzzing with excitement. They all took their respective seats and placed overly large beige files on the table. Just like everyone else you were handed one.

"Thank you,"  you whispered to the lady who was asked to leave the room shortly after.

"Let's get to bussiness then. First off I'd like to apologise for any inconvinience we caused you upon your arrival at this hospital. We were unaware that--"

"Let's skip the formalities Doctor. I accept your apology and just like you stated lets get to business shall we?" You cut her off short. She lay back on her chair almost stunned by your interruption

"Oh yes indeed. I'm Docor Sally and these are my colleagues and the board. Doctor Harrison, Doctor Mary, Doctor Watunda on exchange from South Africa and their assistants. We have word that you have taken interest in one of our doctors. Why?"

"When someone accomplishes the impossible, it's common for people to be astounded. Taken aback by the efforts of said person."

"And who might this wonder Doctor be?"

"Doctor Stephen Strange, I believe that's his full name."

As soon as you mentioned his name the room fell eerily silent. A dense and heavy atmosphere infiltrated and crept in as glares were sent to you by some of the doctors. And their assistants. One of them chuckled in disbelief.

"Doctor Stephen Stange? You expect us to give him, give one of our best surgeons out, just because you came all the way from London and are head over heels for him!?" An assistant stood up spoke out from the corner of the room. She seemed angered by your words and was rather quick in trying to get rid of you.

You stood up from your chair and walked to the long glass window taking in the view once more.

"Of course not," you replied. "Absolutley not. He's to valuable to just pick' if that's what your implying. Do tell me Doctor Sally, do all your colleagues often jump to conclusions?

Doctor Sally found herself speechless

"I don't intend to steal your Doctor, in London that's considered improper. I intend to work with him."

"Excuse me?"

You let out a small snicker. "Yes you heard me. Work with him. His talents are recognized all over the world in countries you probably don't even know exist. I told my colleague to 'find me someone better' and he did."

"So you simply would like to work with him. Learn from him?" Doctor Sally stated her voice coated in relief.

"If that's what you call this." you waved your arms around "then yes. That is all."

And with that comment you walked back to your chair, closed your file and walked out of the room.

As you got into the empty elevator your mind wandered producing new thoughts by the seconds. Future 'situations' that you might be in with him popped up in every corner. You found yourself unable to stop thinking about him and grinning like an idiot

Doctor Strange OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now