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It was 9:12pm.

"Hey," They both said at the same time.

"Wait, wait, let me go first," [Y/N] insisted. She stood in front of Seven and tensed up and became all nervous. "Do you wanna just, uh, walk along the pavement or something? Hahaha, I mean, we don't have to walk on the road and all. More time to ourselves, hahaha."

"Really? But it's faster that way, isn't it? I need to go home soon, you know?"

"Y-Yeah, I know! But, uh, we... we can take a detour! Yeah! I don't have to always wave you off across the street right! Y-You can bring me home and, uhm—"

"Hey, [Y/N]," He put his hands on her shoulders. "Are you okay? You look really pale." He comforted her through his words and his reassuring smile. Although it wasn't much, his smile alone was able to make [Y/N] relaxed and believe that this time, she wouldn't let him die like how he did before.

It was 9:16pm.

As he was still talking to her, trying to make her loosen up, [Y/N] looked over behind Seven and... she saw her again. The little and petite girl in her fluffy princess dress with those dark and hollow bulbs of eyes staring at her direction with the same toothy smirk. [Y/N]'s eyes bulged out as her body shook with fear and turned numb.

"Watch out!!"

Suddenly, Seven let go of [Y/N] and dashed towards the road. With no hesitation, [Y/N] turned around and shouted his name, her heart starting to race again. And with the rest of the world being nothing but a  motionless blur, she could only hear the sound of her heartbeat. [Y/N] saw him push aside a little boy on the road, with a car right behind him.

"NO, WAIT!!"

It happened again. The exact same car, the exact same position, just a different reason of death. As she stared at Seven's lifeless body once more, her eyes started to heart and her jaw was stuck open. Her nose started to burn and she could feel hot tears striding down her face. Soon, [Y/N] realised she couldn't hear the sound of her heart anymore. Did it crash too?

Just a moment passed from Seven's accident, and [Y/N] heard a tiny voice behind her,

"You'll never escape your fate... Haha... HahahAH..aHAhaH.... HAHAHAHAHAH--"

The voice seemed to echo on and on and on inside her head. However, [Y/N] didn't do anything about it. The laughter of the small girl continued to ring inside her head until she, too, felt like laughing at her own stupidity.

And the next moment [Y/N] blinked, the plain and white ceiling glared right at her, a few rays of sunshine passing through the nearby windows. [Y/N]'s heartbeat could be heard again. Her breathing was back to normal, and her tears were gone.

'So it... it wasn't a... dream?? No, wait—I can't—No, no, no, this isn't true, I—'

Saeyoung x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now