Chp.2: Nodding

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I'm in my last class. It's debate about pretty much anything. People are talking and I'm just sitting down. "Um. Our new student. Please stand"the teacher says. I stand. "Name"she asked. "Red"I said. Everyone but Jess laughs.

"Class. I'm sorry. Please what is your opinion on this debate. "She asked. "Um....."I paused I looked at the board. It says. "Is gay ok ". Come on. Really. "Red"she asked. "I think it is"I said. Everyone stops smiling. But Jess.

"Why"the teacher asked. "Everyone is free to love a person. That's was they choose. "I said. "Sit down. Mr.Red"she said. I sat down. And was confused.

After class Jess ran to me. "Finally someone who thinks it's ok"she smiled. "You know I'm "I asked. She nodded. "I kinda guessed. "She said. I nodded.

I felt someone bump into me. I looked. "Sorry. "The ginger said. Max. I nodded. "Jess"Max said. "Piece of Crap"Jess said. I chuckled. "Hmm. And what's your name"Max asked me.

I froze. "His name is Red"Jess said. I nodded. "Ok. But can I hear you say it"he asked. I nodded. "It's red"I said quietly. "Nice to meet you red "max said. I nodded.

He left. "Oh my god. You like him"Jess said. I looked at the ground. She started screaming. And people were starring. "Oh like this is the first time you all seen me to this. Move along freaks"Jess yelled.

"When Ross and Adam started dating. "She said. I nodded. "Ok. We need to work on you talking instead of nodding. K"she said. I nodded.

"So can I come over"she asked. "Sure. I do have  homework I don't understand at all "I said. She nodded. "I never understood it either. "She patted my back.

Once the bell rang. We started walking to my house.

What a day

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