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The bathroom mirror is dirty and smudged, the tiles are all cracked and fragmented, the lightbulb mercilessly flickers above his head.

Liam splashes cold water on his face and steps back from the sink, shivering slightly after the impact which was like a slap to the face.

They were angels once.

But then someone clipped their wings and they couldn't fly anymore.

And they
to the ground and couldn't ever see the sky again.

Liam's bothered by everything. This little hospital bathroom. The fact that it's 10:43 in the morning and he's missing school. The fact that there's lint on his old navy blue sweater and that somewhere in the world the moon is hidden behind clouds, that someone hears footsteps in their backyard, or that the universe is spreading like a carpet with no end and he will never reach that edge and look over it.

Also, his best friend is dying.

It's scary. He hears screams ricocheting off the marble walls and they bounce and echo to his ears, making him clutch his hands hard over them.

Maybe he shouldn't have sniffed the white powder but it looked like fairy dust and made him feel like a fallen angel, so he did, and flushed the remains into the toilet, swirling around and making him dizzy.


Harry's body aches from sitting in just one seat. He shakes one leg: up and down, up and down, up and down.

He thinks of how energy doesn't seize to exist and he feels a little bit better, because maybe corpses have feelings too. Right? And when he is stifled by dirt and is just bones and a non-beating heart, he will still laugh the same way with his back molar chipped, or dance to eternity and a little further, or hold his hand in his rough one and lead him home-

Harry catches himself halfway through dialling the florist to send some flowers for the funeral.

Zayn cannot die.


There's a man with glassy eyes and he steps out from Zayn's ward. His eyes are not windows; they are mirrors. Several people stare at him expectantly until he clears his throat and motions towards where the boy who drowned himself lay.

"You can see him now. We're giving him twenty-four hours at best."

But he is.

He is dying and so, so fast.

this is one of the last few chapters !!


@zayn hmu please ily

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