The People

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"This isn't going to be a walk in the park." I joked, nudging Aaron in the arm and sending a smile his way.

"It never is a walk in the park."

"It's just annoying. You know, that no one ever trusts us. We don't look like bad people, do we?"

"In a world like this, it's smart of people not to trust us the first time around. It proves that they've got brains. And that's what we're looking for in Alexandria."

"I must have been a disappointment to you, then, huh?"

I got a laugh out of him that time but he quickly snapped out of it, telling me to 'shush' before walking towards the two girls we had been watching.

I followed him closely, preparing myself by practicing my introduction in my head.

"Hey," He started. "Hi, oh- I-..."

The two girls jumped to their defense, each whipping out a gun and pointing them at the both of us. Aaron and I put our hands up in surrender, letting them know that we meant no harm.

"We don't mean to interrupt. Good morning. My name is Aaron, and this is-"

"I'm Leslie." I butted in, smiling and waving slightly.

"I know, it's, stranger danger but uhm- We're friends."

I stepped forward some more, "If it isn't too much trouble, we'd like to talk to the person in charge."

"Rick, right?"

"How do you know?"


Aaron turned to me and smiled, "We have good news."


Maggie guided us in to the barn while Sasha trailed behind us, keeping her gun aimed at our backs.

"Hey, everyone," Maggie pushed open the barn door, letting us inside, "This is Aaron and Leslie."

Everyone shot up from their places on the ground, grabbing their weapons and eyeing us suspiciously.

"We met them outside, it's just the two of them. We took their weapons and we took their gear."

Daryl patted down Aaron, and didn't think twice before doing the same to me. I rolled my eyes and stiffened my limbs, not completely okay with the idea but allowing it anyway.

It was silent as they closed and locked the barn door. And everyone just, stared.

I turned to Aaron and nodded my head, hinting that he should probably say something.


The baby started to cry, but I just kept quiet, searching the group with my eyes and getting accustomed to what they all looked like up close.

Rick, who was holding the baby, handed her over to Carl, who cradled her in his arms. She went quiet almost immediately, resulting in a small smile from me.

"It's nice to meet you." Aaron took a step forward, trying to extend his hand, but everyone with weapons took a step forward also, making it quite clear that we were to stay still.

Rick spoke, "You said they had weapons?"

"Yeah." Maggie rushed over to Rick, handing him my hammer and Aaron's empty gun.

Rick tucked them both in the back of his jeans after inspecting them, "There's something you need?"

"They have a camp. Nearby. They want us to audition for membership."

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