Walkie Talkie

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I wobbled a little once my feet hit the ground, "This isn't smart. If you're bored then let's go play a video game or read a god damn book or something."

Ron ignored me and stomped off in to the tree line, Echo hot on his heels.

She turned around for a split second, her face contorted in to a harsh glare, and then sprinted after Ron.

Their footsteps grew faint as I stared motionlessly at the spot in which they were just standing, "Alright."

Carl slid his hand in to mine and I intertwined my fingers with his.


It had been a few hours since we left Alexandria. We wandered aimlessly and no one said a word. All we did was walk.

The sky resembled a watercolor painting; violets and rose pinks and burnt oranges.

The sun was setting and the temperature was dropping and from the looks of it, we were no where near home.


Carl caught on to my uneasiness, "We've had our fun. I think it's time to head back."

Ron spoke for the first time since we left the clock tower, "Hold on... What's that?"

Through the thin line of trees we could see a small gravel road, and on that road, a blinking car.

All four doors were wide open and the hazard lights were dim. A faint ringing could be heard from inside the car.

Ron and Echo jogged over to the car and Carl had to pull me along to follow them.

Echo climbed in to the driver's seat and began messing around with the latches and controls. She popped the trunk and Ron's face lit up, "Shit, it's full."

Blankets, canned food, clothes.

It was all there for us to take.

"No," Carl shook his head and backed away from the trunk. "No, this isn't right."

"Don't be like that."

"Look at this," I waved my hand, gesturing to the car and the blinking lights. "This is someone else's. They could be back any second, hell, they could be watching us right now."

"Look at this," Ron rummaged around and pulled out a few cans of sweet corn. "Let's bring this back to Alexandria. There's so much here."

Echo reached for a maroon colored hoodie and held it up to her chest. After deciding whether or not she liked it, she slipped her arms through the sleeves, "There's one just like it for you."

She picked up a gray hoodie and held it out for me to take, but I ignored her and reached for something that she and Ron both seemed to have overlooked.

A walkie talkie.

The little red light was going in and out but all we could hear was static.

I held the 'talk' button, "Hello? My name's Leslie, a few friends and I-"

Carl yanked the walkie talkie from my hands and tossed it back in to the trunk, "There could be someone on the other end, someone bad."

"Then please, let's just go."

Echo pushed the gray hoodie in to my hands and began grabbing more clothes, "Winter's coming, and we need warmer clothes. So, grab what you can."

Carl rolled his eyes and began grabbing whatever he could, "Just hurry up so we can go home."

I sighed but slipped on the hoodie, also grabbing a box full of perishable foods, "I don't want to get stuck out here after dark. Especially without a weapon."

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