A Purple Lighter

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We had survived an attack.

Not all of us had survived, but it was a lot more than I expected to.

Alexandria was too big to protect and not all of the combat classes in the world could help some of these people.

While Rick and the others were out doing whatever it was they were doing, there were many people losing their lives.

We didn't have them to protect us but we did okay.

Maggie, Rosita, and I worked quietly, separating the bodies of our people and the ones of the people who attacked us.

The bodies were stacking up fast and I remember just kneeling over and getting sick, throwing up my dinner from the night before.

"It's alright," Maggie comforted, standing by my side and laying a gentle hand on my back. "You're just in shock, that's all."

After the wave of nausea left my system, I stood up again, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and spitting on to the ground, to try and get the taste from my mouth.

"I didn't think I'd make it."

Rosita folded her arms, "My lessons taught you a little something, didn't they?"

It felt wrong, but we laughed together and then continued doing our job.

Michonne and a few of the others returned shortly after, explaining that the reason it took them so long to get back was because they ended up having to do the plan today instead of tomorrow.

"The town was overrun. He split off with Nicholas. He had this idea that- if he lit a fire, it would stop the walkers from coming here." Michonne dropped her head, fumbling with the handle of her sword, "I tried to go instead. I wanted to... The fire never got lit. We had to keep going. I'm sorry."

I watched as Maggie lifted her hands to her face, and I reached for her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her in to me.

If Glenn was alive and if there was some way I knew I could help, I'd do it.

"He said if he got stuck, he would find a way to send us a signal."

"A signal?"

"Open the gate!"

A voice sounded from over the wall and I looked up at the women around me, trying to read their faces.

"Open the gate!"

Everyone darted towards the gates, fumbling with the latches and trying to slide it open.

"Open the gate now!"

Rick sprinted down the street, drenched in sweat and blood, followed by the biggest hoard of walkers I had ever seen.

I whipped out my gun and aimed it in front of me, in case one of them got too close while we waited for Rick to reach safety.

Rick slipped through the small gap and Michonne pushed the rest of the gate closed, locking it just in time.

The walkers piled up against the metal bars, reaching their arms through to try and grab one of us. Their snarls grew louder and louder and I just stared.


"You can hear it."

I took a step towards Carl, brushing my arm against his as we and everyone else listened to Rick.

"Some of you saw it. They got back here, half of them. Still enough to surround us twenty deep. Look, I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this. You haven't been through anything like this. But we're safe for now."

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