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Jesus and I told Maggie and Daryl everything that we knew.

That Rosita came here for Sasha, and that the two of them had made plans to take out Negan. They were tired of waiting around, and at that point, so was Daryl.

"Rick has to know."

So, that night, Daryl, Jesus and I all left on foot to Alexandria.

I stuffed everything that I came here with in to my book bag, making sure that my holster belt and the weapons that I had were secure before throwing on a jacket.

"I'll see you in a few days," I smiled, gripping tight on to Maggie's left hand.

She pushed her hair behind her ear before pulling me in to one final embrace, letting go and then sending me on my way.

It was probably a little past 8:00 PM, but we had enough light from the full moon to guide us along. We trudged on, our weapons ready and our mouths glued shut. And the three of us made it to Alexandria's gates a little after sunrise.

Toby, who was on guard duty at the time, let us in.

Daryl opened Rick's front door without knocking, throwing his bag and crossbow on to the floor before running up the stairs and to Rick's bedroom.

I heard him knock loudly on the door and inform Rick of the situation while I stripped myself of my bag and took a seat on the bottom step.

Rick slipped a t-shirt over his head as he ran down the steps, whispering something to Daryl before joining Jesus and I in the foyer, "They left last night?"

Jesus nodded, "Afternoon. Maybe around four?"

"Then they would have been there already."

"Let's, uh- Let's get a group together to search the buildings surrounding the Sanctuary. See if they decided to-"

A knock on the door silenced him, and Tara let herself in, "Rick? I have something to tell you..."


The four of us sat around Rick's dining table, looking at Tara expectantly.

"They-" she sighed, resting her forearms on the table in front of her. "They have guns. A lot of them. I saw it."

Daryl sat up, his eyes widening, "What?"

"That group. Uhm, the women I met. They have an armory. They have guns."

"Why didn't you tell us before now?"

"I made a promise, Rick."

Within half an hour, the RV was loaded with the weapons we had and a good chunk of the people we had.

The group of women called themselves Oceanside, and that's where we were heading.

We created and went over the plan as we drove.

"We set off some explosions, just outside of their gates. Enough to make them run this way," Rick pointed at the map on the table. "Michonne and Leslie, you'll be up in the trees, keeping watch over us and making sure that they're heading in the right direction. If you have to, shoot at their feet. And if they don't cooperate, I'll give you a signal. Take them out."

Michonne and I nodded.

"Tara, you get to Natania. Talk to her, give her the ultimatum. We need their weapons. We're going to fight the Saviors, and they can join us... We get everyone away from the arsenal long enough to take what we need and go. Got it?"

There were a few nods of the head and 'yeah's.

The plan was simple enough.

We parked the RV a few miles out from the actual community. And Jesus, Daryl, Aaron, Eric and Toby snuck off in to the woods, heading for Oceanside's gates so they could plant the explosives.

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