Chapter 4 - The Heather Moors

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OMG guys thank you so much! I can't believe The Dragoness has made it to over 1000 reads! I never thought I would get 200 let alone 1000. So thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my book. I also wanted to apologize for not posting in such a long time. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Okay, now what? Do we go rent a car?" I ask impatiently

"Just wait a minute and you'll see Etheral. Take a moment to breath the Scottish air," Mum replies

I turn my face to look away from Mum as I roll my eyes so she doesn't see me. I keep looking out at the road trying to see what Mum is talking about but all I see is cars picking and dropping people off. After waiting for five minutes I decide to pull out my phone from my bag and see if Priscilla had texted me but to my surprise she hadn't. I then opened my messages and texted her to let her know I had made it to Scotland alive. As soon as I had finished sending my text I heard a car pull up right in front of us. I put my phone back in my bag before looking up and seeing a limo chauffer coming towards us and grabbing Daniel and I's bags.

"Hello Mrs. Daphne, how are you?" asked the chauffer

"I'm well, how about you Luis?" replied Mum

"I'm well, my wife and I just had our first child. I'm happy to see you home again,"

"Well send Lena my best wishes and I will have to visit her while I'm here. I'm happy to be back"

Daniel and I both stood there looking at each other dumfounded at the fact that my mum knew this chauffer and that she had just been welcomed home.

"Close your mouths before you start catching flies with them," giggles Mum as she leads us into the limo

Once seated in the Limo I can't resist asking Mum about what she said.

"Mum, how do you know Luis and why did he welcome you home?" I asked

"I was worried you might ask," Sighed Mum

"Why? Have you been hiding something from us?" Inquired Daniel

"Yes, but until now I couldn't have told you. Believe me when I say that I have wanted to tell you for a long time,"

"Ok, Mum could you tell us now please?" I asked

"Let me start with saying that I am not your birth mother. Your birth mother is the current queen of Athena,"

As my Mum uttered that we were not her children I could no longer hold back the tears because my reality was being destroyed by every word she said.

"Athena is a kingdom that can be accessed through a portal in the goddesses castle but is blind to those who are not Athenian. When Etheral was born your father disappeared and your mother believed that he was killed and feared for your lives. Of course being a mother queen Diane listened to her instincts and sent you into the mortal world to keep you safe but did not want you to be alone so she sent your brother with you. Because your mother and I were best friends she trusted me to take care of you both and asked if I would care for you until Etheral was sixteen and she would be old enough to care of herself and Daniel could take the throne. Of course I said yes because I knew how much you both meant to her. So a few days after Etheral was born the three of us moved to the mountains. I kept in contact with your mother almost the whole time by sending letters and images of you both back and forth. The main reason we are travelling to Scotland is because it is time for us to return to Athena now that Etheral is 16 and Daniel you're 18. Now that you know who you are and your past I'll tell you how I know Luis. I know Luis because he is married to my older sister making him my brother in-law. I know that this is a lot for you both to hear but I couldn't tell you any sooner and I'm sorry that I kept it so long. Just know that no matter what I will always love you as my own children."

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