Chapter 6 - The Trainers

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Quick disclaimer before you read the next chapter. I know I have been absolutely terrible about updating this book but I swear I am trying. This past year there has been a lot of unforeseen circumstances that have popped up in my personal life not to mention work and school getting in the way. I am still writing and plan on finishing this book. Quite honestly it might take me a long time and I apologize for that but I am doing the best I can do. I have up to chapter 9 written at the moment and I'm currently editing it a touch and still trying to write more chapters. A great big thank you to all of you who have read my book and will continue doing so because I greatly appreciate it and you are the reason I want to finish it. Enjoy this chapter and hopefully there will be another one soon.

As I follow Diane's gaze I see a boy standing in the archway wearing dark wash jeans and a black shirt defining his muscular body. He starts walking towards us and I remain glued in my place with my eyes following his every move. Daniel shifts towards me and doesn't take his eyes off me watching me carefully in a protective manner.

"Etheral, you're staring." He warns as he nudges me with his elbow

I quickly look at Daniel as an embarrassed blush works its way across my cheeks knowing Daniel just caught me checking out this guy.

"Good afternoon your Majesty" says the handsome stranger while bowing to Diane

"Good afternoon Orion. Etheral this is Orion, your trainer" replies Diane while looking at me

I look at Orion before standing up and extending my hand. Orion takes my hand moves into a bowing position.

"Princess, it is an honor to meet you and I am extremely honored to have been chosen as your trainer."

"It's an honor to meet you too Orion. Although you can just call me Etheral," I reply slightly shocked at being called princess

Diane, Orion and my mother start to laugh while looking between each other knowing something Daniel and I do not.

"What did I do?" I ask thinking back at what I could've said that caused the three of them to laugh.

Orion looks back to me before replying to my question. "It is expected of me to address you as Princess. It would be seen as disrespectful for me to do otherwise. You still have a lot to learn Princess,"

Before I can reply to Orion a woman walks through the same archway as Orion. I look back at Daniel and I see that he has noticed her as well. She approaches Diane in the same manner as Orion.

"Your Majesty," although unlike Orion she does not bow

"Rain it is so nice to see you," the Queen responds standing from the couch and giving her a hug before turning towards Daniel.

"Daniel this is your trainer and my niece Rain. She will teach you everything you will need to know before taking the throne,"

Daniel gets up and turns towards Rain.

"Very lovely to meet you Rain,"

"You as well your highness," Rain turns around and looks at me "You must be the Princess,"

"Ya I guess so," I reply before getting a surprising jab from Orion who now stands behind me

I quickly turn around looking directly at Orion.

"What was that for?"

Orion just looks me straight in the eye and shrugs his shoulder before turning his gaze to Rain.

"Rain it's lovely to see you again. I assume we will be working together fairly closely,"

"Lovely to see you as well Orion. I believe we will,"

Diane takes a step forward from her spot in front of the couch. She then turns around and looks at Daniel and I before addressing us.

"Now that you have each met your trainers I believe it is time for you to start your first history lesson,"

Orion turns towards me "Etheral shall we head to the library?"

"Sure, I'll let you lead me as I have no clue where I am going," I reply laughing at myself

Orion rolls his eyes at me before grabbing my wrist and leading me out the room. Orion leads me down a labyrinth of hallways before releasing my wrist as we approach a large wooden door. Orion opens the door to reveal a stunning library. The library is bigger than any I have ever seen before and is made almost entirely of wood.

"This is the royal library. In here you will find every bit of information about Athena and its history."

"It's absolutely stunning," I respond in awe

"The library is open to you at any time," replies Orion picking up on my amazement

"I wouldn't know the first place to start to find any book," I look towards Orion

"You will learn quickly. Shall we get started with your first lesson?" questions Orion

"Ya I guess we should,"

"Alright follow me and we will begin,"

Orion starts towards the back of the library where there is a large wooden spiral staircase leading towards an upper platform. Orion looks back at me before making his way up the stairs as I follow closely behind. On the platform all the bookshelves are set up in rings and in the center lays a circular table. Orion leads me towards the table before pulling out a chair for me to sit in. I sit in the chair and thank him as he makes his way around the table and sits across from me.

"So Princess what do you know about Athena?" inquires Orion

"I know that it's a kingdom that can be accessed through a portal in this castle and that Diane is the Queen," I reply

"So very little then," Orion chuckles

"Well I only learnt about Athena a few hours ago," I huff back in response

"Alright we'll start from the beginning of our history and slowly make our way towards today from there," Orion informs me

Orion gets up from his chair and walks towards the bookshelf behind him and grabs a fairly hefty book and puts it on the table before sitting back down.

"This is our first history book and is extremely important,"

"So I'll take it we will be reading this entire book then?"

"Yes we will but this book contains the information from the first 1000 years of Athena where everything we know today began,"

Orion turns the book towards and opens it to the first page before I can answer.

"Today we will read and study the first 100 years of Athena and tomorrow we will study the next 100,"

"100 years! That's going to take forever!" I exclaim

"It will only take us a few hours," replies Orion in a monotone voice

Orion looks at me and points toward the first word on the page prompting me to begin reading.

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