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My brother would have loved you.

He was three years younger than me, and he was a pitcher, just like you. He had a scholarship to go play ball at Vanderbilt and he had his girlfriend who loved him more than anything. They were eighteen, but I knew that they would be together a long time.

It's crazy how somethings can be taken away in an instant.

In December 2010, Matt was coming home from basketball practice- He loved basketball, too, but his heart was with baseball. But anyway, the roads still had some ice on them, and his car just... it slid off the road and he lost control, I guess. Someone nearby the crash called 9-1-1, but the doctors could hardly do anything to help him.

My parents spent that Christmas without their son and I spent it without my brother.

It's been six years, but Jesus, it still hurts.

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