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"Kyle, I've told you about Eleanor, right?" Charlotte asked me after I came out of the dugout after the first game she dragged you to.

"Just briefly," I answered, "But hi, Eleanor. I'm Kyle."

"It's nice to meet you, Kyle." You smiled politely at me.

We talked for a few more minutes before I brought up your accent.

"Sorry. But where are you from?"

"Boston, why?"

"Your accent. Sounds different. Nice, but different."

You looked at me like I was crazy, but I know that you have some sort of accent.

Just the other day, I brought up your accent. I've known you for three years and I still love that accent of yours, regardless of the fact you think I'm crazy for thinking you have it.

I told you how my ex completely fucked up my perspective on relationships for a while. I thought I'd never find somebody again, but then you came into my life all because of Charlotte, and you, my dear, have brought a feeling into my life I thought I'd never feel again.

And with every waking minute of the day, I can't help but find myself falling more in love with you by the minute.

And that's what I told your parents that day I talked to them. I also told them that I was waiting for the right time to ask you, and it wasn't then, but they were still supportive and they gave me their blessing.

And Eleanor Grace Abbott, the tenth thing I need you to know is that you are my person. I talked to Kris before I talked to your parents, and he told me, "If you can't picture your life without her, that's saying everything." So, I tried, and I can't do it. Whatever the future has in store for me, I need you to be at my side whenever it happens.

But most importantly, I love you, and that's why I'm going to ask you the most important thing I've ever said.

ten things you need to know / k. hendricksWhere stories live. Discover now