thank you!

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 i technically finished this back in November and I said that I would post an epilogue soon, and four months later, it's finally out, so now i'm officially finished.

  first of all, thank you to everyone reading this for your support. i know that there aren't a lot of kyle hendricks fanfics on wattpad (it's truly tragic, i know) so i started this as my contribution because he's my favorite and i love him more than life. i didn't expect anyone to read it, but people did, and i'm very thankful for all of the readers.

i know this wasn't very long. it wasn't meant to be long, it was just a short little project that came to my mind one day. but regardless, i still had so much fun writing this, and it makes me sad that i had to end it, but kyle and eleanor's story had to end at some point. i know that we never got to see too much of them both in depth, and i wish i could have been able to do that, but i was never able to.

since i mentioned this being short, i do plan on starting a longer kyle fanfic. i don't know when, but most likely once i get near the end of wonderwall (shameless self promo!), so keep your eyes peeled for that:)

thank you to everyone for your support. it truly does mean the world to me, and i love being able to connect with all of the beautiful people on this website who love baseball and baseball players just like i do.

i love love love you all, and i hope to see you again soon:) 

ten things you need to know / k. hendricksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant