Chapter 23 (Anxiety)

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Siana's pov
I shot up out of my sleep, I looked around petrified for my life. I looked next to me and saw Reece sleeping peacefully. It began hard to breathe, I didn't want to disturb Reece. I got up and went to the attic of the house, I sat in a corner and began crying. Why am I crying? I'm 18 years old and still are afraid of things like baths and the dark. Yet these terrible things that happened to me many years ago still haunt me. Why can't I get over these fears, my real parents are gone with out a trace. I've been having these nightmares frequently. What if one day I actually wake up and my real parents are ready to torment me all over again? All these thoughts ran through my head, why can't I stop being a baby? I need to grow up! They can't hurt you anymore! Siana they're gone. But they're not! They will come back!! No they won't! I fault internally like this for hours on end. I will get over this, I won't get over it. I was sobbing and chocking on my tears. Did I take my meds? I didn't, I'm having a anxiety attack and the thoughts just made it worse. "Siana baby! Where are you!" Reece yelled he sounded so far away. "R-Reece!" I yelled and crawled toward the entrance of the attic. I heard his heavy footsteps than he was next to me in seconds. "Baby what's wrong." He asked softly. I didn't say anything I just wrapped my arms around him and cried. I started hyperventilating, Reece scooped me up quickly and took my downstairs. He ran to our room and grabbed his phone. He called my mom who picked up immediately, Reece only calls late at night if there is something absolutely wrong. "Mrs. Lively, hey I know it's late. But it's about Siana, she's having a anxiety attack what do I do?" He asked looking down at me. I held my head and started crying harder. "Okay bye." He said than hung up. He took me to the bathroom and set me on the floor. "Your parents are on their way, sit tight babe." He said kissing my head. He walked over to the bath tub, and started to fill it up. He walked over to the bathroom door and locked us inside. "Your mom said this will help.." he said "W-what n-no!" I said placing a hand on my chest. Reece came over to me "I'm sorry baby, I don't want to do this." He coped softly. "R-Reece no!" I started screaming as he picked me up. He started walking over to the tub. I kicked and screamed, clawed and scratched at him. "Siana!" I heard my mom yell. "Reece open the door." My dad said I slipped from Reece's grip and Reece unlocked the door. My mom came in, and she looked at me sadly. "It hasn't been this bad in a while." She said taking off her coat. Dad locked the door and stood in front of it. "Reece put her in the tub." Mom said Reece sighed and walked over to me. "Don't touch me!" I yelled as he grabbed me I started thrashing around as he picked me up again and brought me over to the tub. "Mommy! Please don't let him put me in there! Please! I'll do anything! I'll do better I promise!" I screamed and cried. "It's okay baby it's okay." She said to me softly. Reece set me in the tub and I legit lost it. I was completely freaking out, i didn't want to move. I brought my knees to my chest, my mom came over and got in with me. "Love bug look at me." She said I was zoned out and cold the water was freezing. "Siana look at me." She said again. She grabbed my arm gently, I flinched and looked at her. "There once was a little blue bird.." she sang softly. She always sung it to me when I got like this. She gently pulled me toward her, I rested my head on her shoulder. "Who had gotten lost in the woods." She sung, I stared off into space. "If she gets like again this what do I do?" Reece whispered to my dad. "You have to stay calm for the sake of her, make sure she takes her meds. Every night before bed, she should be okay. If she takes the meds or forgets and this happens call us." Dad said I snapped out of it like someone flipped off a switch. I gasped and sat up, they all looked at me. "It happened, an episode?" I asked that's what we call my little attacks like these. "Yeah but you're okay now." She said wiping my face. "You have to take your meds babe. When me and your dad are gone.." she started to say. "No you're not going anywhere." I said hugging her tightly. She sighed heavily, than kissed my head. "One day we will and when that day comes and you have an episode. Reece won't know what to do than what? You'll be sent to the hospital and given stronger meds." She explained. "I don't want to go there." I said quietly. "I know you don't." She said just as quiet as I did. I couldn't be sent to a hospital, I'm okay. It's just a little anxiety, ptsd maybe? I hate when I get like this. *** "Reece I'm sorry." I said as I wrapped the towel around me. "I'm just glad you're okay." He said pulling me into him. I hugged him tightly, I closed my eyes and sighed. "Promise you won't leave me. Even if you think I'm crazy and off the wall nuts, you won't leave me?" I asked he rested his head on top of mine. "I promise I won't ever leave you baby girl. I'll stay by you forever." He said I smiled good. He wouldn't be able to go anywhere anyway. I'd kill him if he did 😉.

*This was random, if it doesn't make sense. Oh well*

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