A rather stressful walk through the park

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The bell rang for the end of the day. My friends and I didn't stop talking about what had happened(we used texting of course.) Matthew later found out that he could do something similar to what Alex could do. He could control fire. And Emanuel ended up being able to rise and lower ground. An overwhelming number of questions spun around in my head. As far as I knew I was the only one who could control time...but...was there others? Perhaps, there are more kids like us who are experiencing the same thing? And most importantly...what was the cause of this? Then it hit me. 'My dream!' I thought excitedly. 'That...box...where was it again?' I thought hard trying to remember. Damn memory. I always had the worst memory ever, not to mention an attention span that was so short that I could barely keep a single thought in my head for two minutes. Matthew sat next to me. At the same time we both said. "We need to go to the park." We looked at each other surprised. "You had-" I cut off Matthew. "The same dream as I did? Yes. Apparently I did." Matthew nodded. "Then it's settled. Tonight, we go to the park."

It was now about 6:00pm. We had all gotten together at my house seeing as it was the closest to the park. We were all on our phones researching anything we could on artifacts that sound similar. None of us had found anything useful. "You guys don't think it could be the Tesseract do you?" Said Matthew. We all laughed. "What about...the cube from transformers?" More laughing. "But seriously though..." Alex said. "There is nothing useful on even the internet. Nobody has ever found anything like it." I sighed. "Guess we're going in blind then." I shrugged. "Grab your stuff and lets head out." We walked over to the park and found the spot where the box was. Sure enough there the box was. There was no giant crater though. Although I did notice something strange. Around the box, about the radius of the crater, there was cracks in the ground as if a piece of land had been scooped up and then dropped back in. I also noticed the extreme amount of growth around the box. The grass in the circle was much greener then the rest of the park's grass. It looked very out of place compared to the dying grass that was caused by the cold weather. The box had a glow like a oil lamp. "Well?" Said Alex. "I ain't touching it." Everyone except me said not it. I sighed. "No fair..." I grumbled. I slowly and cautiously approached the box. Before I reached it however, it started to float. I took a step back, thinking it was activating or something. But it wasn't. It flew into the hands of a hooded figure. They were wearing a black and purple hoodie that was about my height. They laughed. Their voice sounded metallic as if they were talking into a fan. I got the feeling that they weren't friendly. Turns out I assumed correctly. He (by this point I realized they were male) sent a shockwave of force through the ground, knocking us over. I quickly got up and chased the now fleeing thief. "HEY! STOP!" I yelled at the mysterious figure as they ran into the forest. Obviously he didn't stop. Then, something both awesome and terrifying happened. A vine that seemed to come out of nowhere grabbed him by the arm. The other arm met a similar fate. The figure was suspended in the air flailing around as he tried to get free. "ARGH!!!" He said in annoyance. "WHAT IS THIS? LET ME GO!" The a very familiar laugh echoed through the forest. "Now why would I do that? You have something I want." A girl jumped down from a nearby tree. I recognized her instantly. She had brown hair that was dyed turquoise on the ends. She was about my size. She had her arms tucked behind her back as she inspected the figure. "I would very much like that." She said calmly. The figure laughed. "Go to hell." He said. She pushed up her glasses. "Well...I tried to be nice." She smiled evilly. The vines lowered the figure down to eye level. "Last chance weirdo." She threatened. She stared the figure down. "Your just a kid. You have no idea what your doing." The figure said. The girl frowned. "That's to bad...welp! I warned you!" She charged at the figure as she let out something like a battle cry. Her fist met the figures face and with a sickening crack the figure went motionless. I watched in horror as the figures body dematerialized. The cube dropped onto the ground and the girl picked it up. She looked up at me as she knelt down to pick up the cube. We locked gazes for a couple seconds. "Um..."She said."Well...uh...this is awkward..." I nodded my head. "Trust me. I've been a lot of crazy shit today but this takes the cake." She smiled awkwardly. "Well...yeah...um...this is a dreeeeaaaam."she said in a ghost-like voice. "Your going to wake up now as soon as you look awaaaaaay...this isn't convincing you is it?" I shook my head. "But don't worry, Taylor. I can stop time apparently. And Emanuel can control the ground. And Alex and Matthew can harness the power of fire...and Nelson...well Nelson is pretty much Percy Jackson." Taylor laughed. "Good! Then I'm not alone!" I smiled. The others finally ran into the clearing. "OHMYGODLOGANAREYOUOKAYWECOULDN'TENTERTHEFORESTANDIWASSCAREDYOUDIED!" Emanuel said in a panic. Taylor blinked. "Hi Emanuel." Matthew raised his eyebrows. "She's seen too much. We must wipe her memory." I sighed. "Alright secret agent 'idiot' calm down. She's like us. She can...what can you do?" She nodded. "I can control plants and stuff." Nelson walked over to the cube, which was still on the ground, and picked it up. "Well." He said. "Looks like we're one step closer to finding out what we've gotten ourselves into."

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