Chapter 7

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Author's note
In this chapter the ninja is going to face some problems with old enemies but that won't ruin their upcoming peace days!
End of the Author's note.

Jay's POV

Sensei has returned to the bounty. We were gonna tell him about Lloyd but he said he is going to his meditation room and he is gonna hear what we wanna say later.

"Why doesn't he wanna hear us now? Is he busy with something or what?" I told my friends

"I don't know Jay but it seems like he wants some time alone now. Lets not interrupt or annoy him. And not Spy on him Jay!" Cole angrily commanded

Damn it he caught me while trying to sneak and check what the sensei's doing

"Okay! Okay! What are we gonna do now!?" I asked

"Basically, go and find for yourself something to do!" Cole answered back

"Hissssssss! Where isss he I cannot sssee or hear him?" We heard that hissing coming from the deck

"I do not know! Maybe we go and tell Pythor that we didn't find him!"

"But he isss going to kill usss!"

"I don't know what to do!"

"Maybe we can get another one!"

"No he will not be pleassssed then! He ssssaid he only wantssss the green one!"

Oh Snakes! They want Lloyd but why? I heard one of them saying that Pythor wanted him! I tried to say this to my friends but I open and close my mouth uselessly; words didn't come out! Then I hear Kai whispers "Snakes! They are on deck! And they are after Lloyd!"

"Lets go get some answers from them!" Cole said

We all nodded in unity and then whispered a little bit loud "NINJA GOOO!" We were all surrounded by our spinjitzu; mine was dull, dark blue, the lightning element, Kai's was glowing red, the fire element, Zane's was glowing blue, the ice element, and Cole's was dull, dark brown, the earth element.

We took on the serpentine so easily and then we saw Kai holding one of them hard from his neck, his eyes were like they were set on fire then he shouted at the serpent hard "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THE GREEN NINJA!?" The serpent was shaking from fear while we were holding the others, they were only four and they were; one constrictai, one fangpyre, one venomari, and the one Kai holding is hypnobrai.

The hypnobrai talked and told Kai "P...Pythor...i...issss...the one...who...who wantssss...him!"


"I...I don't...know!" Kai then turned to the other serpentine, they were all shaking in fear. Kai raised his eyebrow waiting an answer from them, they all raised their shoulders while shaking their heads meaning they don't know.

"I think we need to warn Lloyd, Kai." Zane answered. I wish Kai would not go and kill him because when kai is angry, whatever you will say will increase his anger and maybe he will kill you, like seriously zane you had to talk now. Kai just nodded, which is unusual, and left the hypnobrai fall then we tied them all.

After that I went to tell Nya to call Lloyd and tell him that the serpentine is after him and that we need to warn him.

"Okay Jay!" She answered and pressed on the keyboard of the screen then Lloyd was there on the screen "Hey guys!"

"Hey Lloyd! Jay has some news for you."

She looked at me and I spoke up "Hey Lloyd! I... ummmm... I didn't want to ruin your day but I think you need to be careful. Today we have faced some serpentine and it looks like they are after you. More literally Pythor is the one after you."

"Pythor!?" I heard Garmadon say as he walked behind Lloyd in the screen. "What does he want from my son!?"

"Wweeeellll... We don't yet know!" I answered

"Then we must be on our guard! Come on son" Garmadon then said as he left

"Okay dad! Thanks Jay, Bye!"

"Buh-bye Lloyd!"

Just after that the screen turned black and I went to my friends and told them that I have warned Lloyd.

"Okay Jay, but our work isn't yet done!" Cole said "We have to go to the serpentine's underground fortress and see what Pythor is planning for!" I know he hates this but he is right we have no other choice.

"I really don't like this, but yeah we don't have any other choice!" I commented

"It feels like old days!" Zane then commented

Then we told Nya to take care of herself and to tell sensei about everything while we are gone.

We jumped from the deck shouting "NINJA GOOO!" Then we turned our weapons into vehicles and headed for Ninjago city.

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