day 3

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yaku has his phone which he uses as himself, and his macbook is what he uses as "mai".

tw: none
lowercase intended
lev: hey yakuuuuuu (о'∀'о)

yaku: hey lev, what's up?

lev: just watching doukyuusei ;P have you ever seen doukyuusei?????? you really need to, it's so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yaku: I haven't seen it. i'll have to check it out. how's mai-san doing?

lev: i'm not sure...

yaku: you aren't sure?

lev: we're kind of taking a break right now...

yaku: oh? why's that?

lev: she doesn't want to meet me.

yaku: what?

lev: I asked her if she wanted to meet me a couple days ago and she she can't. then she was making up excuses on how I "wouldn't love her anymore". like, how could I not love her anymore????? that doesn't make sense yaku!!!!!!

yaku: how do you know they were excuses? maybe she just doesn't have a lot of self confidence  and is scared.

lev: but she didn't want to meet me...

yaku: yes. she could have anxiety and that type of thing scares her.

lev: what if mai isn't even her real name???? what if she's not real??? what if she's some weird guy at our school????

yaku: what?! are you crazy?? I stg lev, you never use logic...

lev: yaku...?

yaku: hm?

lev: ...are you mai-chan?

yaku: WHAT?!?!?!?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT???????

lev: woah, calm down yaku. I was just wondering. I mean, you two are exactly the same...and I've never seen mai-chan before...also you're pretty cute and she's pretty cute..

yaku: I am not cute. and we're not the same...

lev: awwww, I was kind of hoping you were mai-chan (*'Д`*)

yaku: w-why would you want me to be mai-san???

lev: because you're cute. and my best friend (๑>◡<๑)

yaku: ...

lev: yaku...

yaku: yes...

lev: are you mai-chan???

yaku: ...

lev: YAKU!!!!!!!!!!!!

yaku: no. im not mai-san. but I think you should get back together with her. give her some time. she'll open up to you soon enough.

lev:, ok....we'll see.

ooOoOoOooOoOo yaku being a little liar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i mean, his crush/"boyfriend" asked him if he was his "girlfriend", yet he said no. you would think he'd say yes...bUt yaku is too scared right now. it will happen. eventually. maybe. who knows????

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