day 5 pt 2

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this is so late and I'm sorry. life has been hectic as hell recently and things are not going well. I'm trying my best to keep updated on everything, but I can barely find the time. and when I do have it I want it to be just me time. ah, but this has been long overdue so enjoy this new chapter (I hated writing it tbh and I can't wait to go back to just text).

lowercase intended
tw: the fluff
this is happening. this is actually happening. I'm actually standing in the park waiting for lev as mai. I never would have imagined that this would happen. my disguise must have been pretty good though, seeing as three guys tried hitting on me already. I just simply told them I already had a boyfriend. it was kind of awkward though, i didn't really feel all that great about myself. I mean, I was lying to my "boyfriend" about who I was. he's probably going to figure out it's me anyway, so what's the point?

now I was really starting to get nervous. I felt the little hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up. I turned around to meet with green eyes looking directly into mine. we just kind of stared at each other for a bit. he knows it's me,oh my god. he knows. he's going to think I'm weird and then he'll kick me out of his life for good and I'll loose my best friend and

"MAI-CHAN!!!!!!!" and his arms were around my body, cutting off my train of thought. I felt so warm and safe in his arms. I hugged him back, taking in his scent. It's not every day that you get to hug your internet boyfriend who's actually your best friend in real life and he thinks that you're his girlfriend, when in fact, you are his boyfriend but also his best friend. wow, I am royally screwed.

"it's nice to meet you, lev." I said pushing the taller away from me, blushing profusely. his scent was sticking to my body already and I just wanted to bask in it. that would be weird though...

"AHHH!!! mai-chan!!!! I'm so happy that we finally getting meet each other!!!!! it's like a dream come true~" he stared off into the distance. it's like he completely forgot what was going on for a minute. scratch that, it's lev, of course he didn't know what was going on for a minute.

"we should go over to the park now and catch up with each other. y'know, get to know more about each other." I nodded as he grabbed my hand and guided me to the park.

(note: i don't actually remember if their date was supposed to be at the park or not)
~time skip lololololol~

everything lev told me I already knew. which kind of made this whole experience a lot less thrilling than it initially felt. but I had to lie somewhat so he wouldn't find out it was me, and he seemed rather disappointed about the things I was telling him. I wasn't sure why though. we talked a bit more and soon it because sunset. he decided it would be best to walk me back to my house, but I couldn't allow him since he would find out it was me. so I told him he could walk me to the café that is about halfway from my house, saying it was near my house anyway.

"I really had a lot fun today mai-chan, and I hope we can meet again soon. especially since we don't actually go to the same school like I thought we had." he held onto my hands for a moment, gazing into my eyes.

"yeah, I had a lot of fun too. and I hope we do as well. it was really great getting to see you in person." he squeezed my hands tighter as his eyes started to sparkle. he leaned way down to my height, and I assumed he was going to give me a hug, but instead leaned in closer to my face. he grazed his lips against mine. I felt a jolt go up my spine and I suddenly couldn't move. he backed away slowly and gave me a warm hug in place. the feeling of his lips on mine still lingered and I yearned for more.

"well, I'll text you mai-chan!!!" and he left with a wink. I just kind of stood there in a daze. he kissed me. he actually kissed me. and I enjoyed it. like, a lot. holy shit.

this is officially the best day ever!!!

(it probably seemed rushed because it is lol)

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