Chapter VI

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Lilith followed Jonathan out of the mansion

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Lilith followed Jonathan out of the mansion. Several unconscious inmates scattered the grounds, one was even hung from the balcony above the mansion door. She carefully moved around the guy as she continued to walk behind Jonathan.

Lilith had trouble keeping up with him, for he walked so quickly.

Jonathan stood off to the side when they got to the gate, allowing Lilith to go first. She took a cautious step through the gate, keeping an eye out for inmates. The gate slid shut with a metallic clang, and Jonathan took the lead again. After going through the second gate, they were finally at the Intensive Treatment building.

There were inmates posted at each of the guard towers, and one on the balcony. All three of them were armed with sniper rifles. '"Why would Joker have guards here?" Lilith asked.

"He's anticipating where he thinks the Batman will be going." Jonathan said, crouching down by a rock wall to the left of the gate, observing the three men.

"Will they give us any trouble?" She asked again, she really didn't feel like being shot and killed making it this far already.

"They won't bother me. You, I'm not so sure about." He stared at her, frowning. "Maybe if they thought that you were an inmate..."

Jonathan stood up and told her to wait, He went back to the gate they came out of. Several minutes later he came back, holding one of the Arkham Asylum jumpsuits. "Put this on." Jonathan said.

Lilith raised an eyebrow and had a look of disbelief on her face as she looked at the jumpsuit. "This is your brilliant idea? For me to dress up like an inmate and hope the others are dumb enough to believe it? I don't think this will work."

"It will if you cooperate." Jonathan said. "You have been here long enough to know how to replicate our behavior, but you're still new so many of the inmates won't know your face."

Lilith took the jumpsuit from Jonathan, staring at it with hesitation. She could tell that it was way to big for her. "We don't have all night." Jonathan said, crossing his arms.

Lilith glared at him before she stripped out of her lab coat and pulled the jumpsuit on over her clothes. The sleeves were way to long, way past the fingertips. Lilith pulled out her arms and just decided to tie the sleeves around her waist. She then took off her tattered blouse, while doing this Jonathan quickly averted his gaze, heat rising in his face.

"Is this really believable?" Lilith asked, looking at Jonathan with doubt. She forced herself to ignore how his expression changed to an irresistible smirk on his lips. "It should work. Your tank top is plain, and with the sleeves tied around your waist like that, no one will see the name tag. I think this will work." Jonathan told her honestly.

He walked away from the wall, motioning for Lilith to follow. The guards shouted a greeting at them. She walked as calmly as she could. When they safely reached the front door of the building, Lilith let out a breath that she didn't realize she had been holding.

The maximum security gates were all off, letting them get to the lobby with no problem. So far, the building was empty, but Lilith knew that guards would not stand outside an empty building unless they were trying to keep something out or something in. When Lilith started working here, she heard about what was being kept in the sewers below the building. An inmate by the name of Waylon Jones, more commonly known as Killer Croc.

The door to the lobby was locked, and it took both Lilith and Jonathan to pry it open. Once they entered, it shut behind them again, re-locking it.

In front of them was one an upright gurneys. A man chained to it, with a white board slipped under the chains that said "DEAD END". The man's mouth was gaping open, and whoever killed him had painted his lips green. Lilith recognized him as Frank Boles and her sympathy for was gone. Word got around that Frank was working for Joker and was also an asshole.

The lift to move down to the bottom level was broke, so they had to climb down the ladder. Jonathan went first, to help Lilith as she climbed down next. Her foot slipped and she fell from the ladder, right into Jonathan's arms. He buckled a little under the sudden weight, but was otherwise unfazed. Despite his scrawny form, Jonathan was strong. Lilith's face burned, as the two stared at each other unable to turn away. Jonathan's face burned as well. "Thanks." Lilith whispered. Jonathan gave her a small hint of a smile and shrugged before setting her down onto the ground. The two then started walking again.

They still hadn't run into anyone, and it was making Lilith on edge. "Batman already cleared the place out." Jonathan said, as if he could sense her uneasiness. "Joker began his plan here, when he broke free. Batman had to take out all of the inmates."

Lilith let out a sigh of relief.

"Although, for all we know a few more thugs probably decided to come back here." Jonathan added, making her return to her uneasiness. He chuckled at her reaction.

"Why are we here again?" Lilith asked changing the subject.

"I need to get something. The next time I see Batman, I will find out how he has been defeating my toxin." Jonathan told her.

They walked through the short tunnel that usually scanned the patients for weapons. Whoever turned off the security gates must have turned off the weapons detector as well.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"The elevators." Was all he said, keeping his eyes ahead of him. They reached the long hallway that led to the elevators, and Jonathan started walking faster. He seemed anxious. Whatever he was going to do must have been important.

Lilith stared at him with concern. He seemed to be one of those people with tunnel vision, who don't care about anything else until they completely done with whatever they've set their minds on.

The two finally reached the doors to the elevators, and Jonathan stepped to the side to allow Lilith to go first. One of the elevators had crashed at some point, which left them with only one elevator.

"Good thing it's the one I need." Jonathan said, walking up to the elevator and opening the gate. Lilith went to follow him in, but Jonathan shook his head. "I need you up here, to make sure no unwanted comes."

"Oh okay. Right." Lilith nodded and stepped back from the elevator.

"If you can't make someone leave, spray them with this." Jonathan said as he held a device with a wire attached to a bracelet that had a hole at the end of the wire. He put the device with the button to spray the gas onto her pants under the suit and put the bracelet on her, backing away from Lilith, he closed the gate and pressed the button to go down. She nodded again as the elevator began to descend.

Lilith wasn't going to let Jonathan down.

A Night in Hell | J. Crane [i] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now