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Pushing her bag off the next chair with her feet,Skye made herself comfortable as the words in her book took over her thoughts. The library fell quiet again for several moments,then the nerd sitting behind the Bookworm began muttering to himself.

"Who do you think I am?" He began to mumble to himself. Skye quirked a brow at him as he attached his pen to his lip.
"Who are you?who are you?" With the pen in his mouth he answers himself,"I am a walrus.."

She watched him try to shoved the top of the pen hooked to his lip up his nose without touching it. Johnson stopped what he was doing when he noticed the Bookworm staring at him strangely, then he turned his head slightly chuckling nervously when he saw Bender looking at him. The criminal continue to stare at the nerd coldly as he took off his scarf watching as the kid unhooked the pen from his lips. The nerd gave him a nervous smile and turned back to the paper in front of him,rubbing his lower lip.

She returned to her book,but she wasn't really reading now. Instead she was still at watching the two boys from the corner of her eyes as they both start to take their coats off,only stopping when they are only half way off. He gave the nerd a dark look,sneering lightly when the kid began to fidget then act like he was cold. They nerd rubbed his hands together and blew on them before he pulled his windbreaker back on while Bender continued to take off his trench coat,turning once more to look at the criminal who was leaning forward on his desk, still staring at him.

Johnson looked over at Bender and smile anxiously,"Its the shits,huh?"

After a moment longer of staring at the nerd,the nerd chuckled nervously and cleared his throat,looking back at the paper in front of him. The criminal glower at the nerd for another moment then let his gaze fall briefly over the girl with her head in the book. He sent her a quick wink when he realized she wasn't actually reading. A brief smirk take over his face when she rolled her eyes at him and began to read. The criminal straightened and turned to face the front. Crumpling the paper Vernon had given him,he trained his sight on the back of the red-headed girl he threw it. The paper ball arch over the girl head and landed on the floor in front of the desk.

He knew they acknowledged it but they ignored him all the same time.

Skye wondered to herself if there was any point reading at this time as the criminal started to play air guitar,singing the riff as he went. She recognized it instantly as 'Sunshine of your love' by Cream.

"I can't believe this is really happening to me" The princess muttered in exasperation with a slight roll to her eyes .

The Bookworm heard her however and sent her a glare.

"Oh shit!" Bender cursed suddenly,stopping the rendition of Sunshine of your love,"What're we s'pose to do if we hafta take a piss?"He looked around the room as if someone knew the answer as the Bookworm quirked an brow at him,one corner of her lips tugging upward slightly.

Across from her the jock rolled his eyes and shifted in his seat after glancing back at the criminal while the princess rolled her eyes again and mutter 'oh please' as she turned to face the front of the library again.

"If you gotta go.." He shrugged to himself and face the forward again,"You gotta go" He finished off as he put his hands under the take and the sound of him unzipping his fly could be heard by the others.

As he pressed his chest against the table,the athlete and the princess spun to face him.

"Oh my God!" The princess gasped and she spun back around in her seat,a faint blush staining her pale cheeks.

"Hey,you're not urinating in her man!"

Unbothered by the jock threatening tone,he continued to watch his desk,"Don't talk,don't talk!" Not noticing the way the nerd had tilted his head slightly to look under the table,"It makes it crawl back up!"

The Bookworm snorted and hid her face behind her books at his comment.

"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hit the floor"

The criminal lifted his head to stare at the jock and tilted his head almost flirtatiously,"Your pretty sexy when you get angry.Grr.."

The Bookworm continue to watch the amusing scene between the Jock and the Criminal as the criminal turned his gaze to the redhead and then shifting it to the the Bookworm, he added to the Nerd.

"Hey homeboy..." Bender called out and the nerd looked over at him,gesturing towards himself with his pen,"Why don't you go close the door. We'll get the prom queen and the Bookworm impregnated."

The two turned their heads to glare at the boy. Skye flipped him the bird when she realized he was watching her,but he did not look away.

"Hey" The jock snapped angrily and scowled at the criminal,who was still staring at the Bookworm,"Hey!" The longer he looked at her,the pinker her cheeks became.

"What?" He snapped angrily as he broke eye contact with her.

"If I lose my temper,your totaled man"

"Totally?" Bender asked drily not believing him for a second.

"Totally" The jock affirmed as he earned further the back of his chair so that he was almost in the criminals face.

"Why don't you just shut up? Nobody's here interested" The princess demanded as she stared disdainfully at the criminal over her shoulder. He notice the Bookworm was watching the conversation as the two popular teens turned back around.

"Really" The jock agreed."Buttface"

At the sound of an insult, the criminal turned his attention once more to the athlete."Well hey Sporto,what did you do to get in here?Forgot to wash your jock?"

The athlete didn't respond as he clenches his fist on the tabletop and glared at the table.

"Uh,excuse me fellas,i think we should just write our papers" The nerd piped in anxiously,but his suggestion was ignored as the jock once again turned around to face the criminal.

"Look,just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass..so knock it off!"

With a silent sneer gracing his face,Bender retorted."Its a free country"

The athlete glowered at him angrily,but it was the princess that spoke up next her tone filled with superiority.

"He's just doing it to get a rise out of you" She stated matter-of-factly,"Just ignore him"

Bender smirked at her as he shook his hair out of his face.

"Sweets,you couldn't ignore me if you tried"

All though his words were directed at the red-haired princess, his gaze was completely focused on the Bookworm.



What do you guys think so far..?


ANYWAYS till i post next chapter i need 6 votes. I have 4 votes so 2 more.. And at least 1 or 2 comment.

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic Saturday !:D


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