9; Eyes and Ears

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Everyone settled down as Carl,the school janitor walked in. Skye,to busy reading although did hear the music that accompanied whoever had enter.

"Brian,how you doing?"

"Your dad worked here?" Bender asked mockingly filling the silence after the quiet paused. Skye looked up from her page. She turned around to look at Brian,noticing he looked rather embarrassed.

Skye thought Carl was one of the nicest person shed ever know, well nicer than Vernon

"Bender" Skye whispered to Bender. He turned his attention to the bookworm who gave him a 'don't start' look. He winked at her and gave her a cheeky smile which caused her to blush embarrassedly and turned her attention back to her book.

"Oh,Carl ?"

"What?" He asked bender,giving him his full attention.

"Can i asked you a question?"


"How does one become a janitor?" John questioned

"You want to be a janitor?" Carl asked skeptically

"No. I just want to know how one becomes a janitor" John clarified,"Because Andrew here is very interested in pursuing a career in the Custodial Arts"

"Oh really?" He paused.

"You guys think I'm some untouchable peasant ?" Carl asked sarcastically,"Self,peon,huh?"

Skye set her book down on the table,giving Carl her full undivided attention. "Maybe so, but following a broom around dickheads like you for the last eight years,I've learned a couple things."

Skye smiled at the man in front of the room. She knew what was coming.

"I look thorough your letters,i look through your lockers." He jingled his keys as Bender head shot up with a wide expression,"I listened to your conversations. You don't know that,but i do." Carl stated,gesturing to his ear."I am eyes and ears of this institution my friends."

On his way out,he stops to look at the clock.

"By the way,that clock is twenty minutes fast," Carl added.

The only two to not glance back at the clock was Skye and Bender. She had know for a long time it had been fast. And she wouldn't think bender would ever change it back.


ITS SHORT.. I know !

But ill make the other chapter a bit longer ;3

Haven't updated this in awhile and I felt back i did and it's very short. I feel bad ..:/


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