12; My maids on vacation

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"That's bullshit. Its all part of your image, I don't believe a word of it." Andrew spoke up.

"You don't believe me?


"No?" Bender shouted as if he couldn't quite believe the words that are coming out of the athletes mouth either.

Bender slowly made his way towards Andrew, everyone's eyes following him as
he did so. He swiftly pulled the sleeve of his right arm up slowly to reveal a circular shaped burn.

"Did I stutter?"

Chapter 12

Bender leaned out of the library door carefully and watched as Vernon disappeared around the hallway corner. He turned back and signal the others that the coast was clear holding the door out for them Skye slipped passed him and ducked under his arm, her chest accidently brushing against his own as she moved. The criminal smirked faintly when he saw her shiver ever so slightly after she had brushed against him but he didn't comment as the others filed out after the bookworm.

As they made their way the opposite direction as Vernon,Claire sped up to walk on the other side of bender.

"How do you know where Vernon went?" She questioned him.

I don't..."

"Well then how do you know when he'll be back?"

"I don't.." He was starting to get amused. "Bein' bad feels pretty good huh?" He looked at her as she slowed down slightly. The redhead gave him an annoyed look.

The rest of the journey was silent,except for Brian and Andrew conversation that Skye managed to not listen to. But, before she knew it they had arrived at a locker.

The words: 'OPEN THIS LOCKER AND DIE FAG!' with a long arrow draw on in black emblazoned onto red paint.

Skye was distracted from her thoughts when Bender opened his locker and a homemade guillotine fell,slicing the tip off a ratty,red converse shoe,

"Slob!" Andrew said as bender reached up into the higher part of his locker.

"My maids on vacation" Bender retorted instantly, not bothering to look up as he started to unravel the brown bags.

"Drugs.." Brian declared.

"Screw that bender...put it back!" But the protest of the jock went ignored as bender simply walked away.

"Drugs..the boy had marijuana" Brian stated disbelievingly again. Clare paid him no mind either,pushing past Brian and Skye to walk after bender. "That was marijuana!"

"Shut up, dick!" Andrew growled in annoyance with a roll of his eyes before he followed after the other three leaving the nerd and basket-case by Bender's locker.

Brian stared open-mouthed at the four retreating teens back then be looked over at the quiet, dark-haired girl standing a few steps away from him.

"Do you approve of this?" He demanded then he scoffed at his own question and walked away without waiting for her response.

The girl scowled at his back for a moment then she shuffled forward and grabbed the criminals open combination lock, tucking it into her bag. Pursing her lips, the girl walked slowly after the others.

Up ahead Bender was talking to Andrew as they made their way down a brightly lit corridor.

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