Scardey Cat

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A/N: Sorry if some of you are upset that the host club is not in this story but I really wanted to have music room 3 in the story but I also knew this would be hard without have to incorporate at least a few members. My apologies everyone.

Walking into Music Room 3 was like walking into my attic. Everything was all covered up in white sheets and dusty. I didn't even see a piano, even though it was a music room. I looked around and nobody was around. " Boo" yelled Hikaru as he jumped out from behind what seemed to be a couch. I jumped."Where is Kaoru?" I asked looking around hoping he would not jump out.

Kaoru's P.O.V
Hikaru jumped out from behind the couch we used to sit on during the Host club hours. He scared Y/N pretty bad. I felt bad that he scared her so I just decided to just walk out from behind the door. "I'm right here, chill scaredy cat" I snickered and gave a little smirk while I was leaning on the door frame. " I mean i am not a scaredy cat #1 and #2 WHAT THE HELL IS WROUNG WITH YOU TOO!!" Y/N hit Hikaru on the side of the shoulder.  "Chill Y/N, we were just having fun"  Hikaru rubbed his shoulder a little.

Hikaru's P.O.V
" Chill Y/N, we were just having fun" I said rubbing my shoulder from the earlier punch. "How could I chill you just popped up out of no where and...." Y/N paused "and what?" asked Kaoru. " and nothing you just popped up out of no where" Y/N said. "Kaoru I think she got scared" I taunted. I think Kaoru got the hint and followed along.

Kaoru's P.O.V
Hikaru started to taunt Y/N so I followed along for some fun. "Did you get scared Y/N" I teased a little while walking closer. "I don't get scared ok?" Y/N said while scratching her arm. I noticed it's something she does when she get nervous or doesn't know the answer to something. "Well if you don't get scared then you would not mind gong to this a haunted house with us after school today?" Hikaru said. " Well... It's a... SCHOOL night so I can't... My dad wouldn't let me..." Y/N said very slowly. I thought for a moment "Well first off Y/N it's Friday and we don't have school tomorrow and Secondly, I thought you said your father was dead." Y/N looked down and said  "oh ya" in a sad and disappointed way.

Hikaru P.O.V
I think it's kind of cute that Y/N tried to make up a lie to get out of going to a haunted house with us but then Kaoru had to bring up her dead father. Now Y/N definitely not going with us. "I guess I will go" said Y/N out of no where. I smiled a little and I guess blushed too. I think Kaoru noticed and grabbed me by the chin and kissed me. I think he was trying to save me from the embarrassment of Y/N seeing me bushing about her going to a stupid haunted house with me.

"I guess I will go" I said in defeat. Just then Hikaru's head popped op with blushing smile. It was cute but then Kaoru grabbed his chin and kissed him. I never had a sibling but I'm pretty sure that's not normal.

A/N: sorry if it's a little hard to read I wrote this really late.

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