chapter one

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I sit down to a corner, pouting, as I saw mark hyung dancing with that girl. What was her name again Jessica or something. Mark hyung has been so close with her lately. There is even rumors of them dating each other. Even though he denied it every time, you can clearly see that something is going on between them.

And I don't know what's wrong with me lately too. I don't like to see them together even a bit. It didn't bothered me before, but why does it bothering me so much now. Am I jealous. No it can't be. Maybe I'm just not liking the fact that he's not spending much time with us lately even in our dance class he's spending more time with her.

I forgot to mention that, right now we're in dance class. Yes, we took extra dance class too after school. maybe it'll help us someday to get in entertainment world..haha..but seriously mark hyung is trying for some auditions anyways. We're in same class, I mean mark hyung, Jackson hyung and me. Jackson hyung took dance class too. And three of us share an apartment. We're in our graduation year. They treat me as their little brother. Even though Jackson hyung is only a few months older than me, and we're in same class, he also treats me like his little brother.even though they call me omma sometimes because I care about them so much.

"Jinyoung...let's go, dance class is over now" Jackson hyung came to me and said. How come i didn't notice that class is already over. I looked over mark hyung, he was gathering his things and shoving it in his bag.

"Ok , let's wait for mark hyung" I said
"Oh, about that he's not going home yet, he has to go somewhere else first, so let's go we don't have to wait for him." Jackson said back.
I felt disappointed after hearing that. I really don't know why. 'Maybe he's planning on walk Jessica home, since he LOVE her' I thought to myself.

"What's wrong, why are you pouting?" Jackson hyung asked.
"Huh?" I didn't even noticed I was pouting. That's something I'm optenly doing nowadays, I have to stop it.

"OK I see you only want mark hyung, not me, so he's the one who's your favorite hyung. I'm so disappointed on you 'Park Jinyoung'" he said and walked passed me without waiting for me.
"'s not like that hyung.....hyung please wait...... Hyung....." I call for him, as I was running after him.


I was tossing and turning on my bed constantly. Cause I can't sleep thinking about mark hyung. I don't know why he's not leaving my mind.
'Hmm....I wonder if he really is with Jessica, but why the hell am I thinking about this.....mark hyung is straight right? There is no chance for me even if I ever fall for him' I talked to myself nonsensely. ''s not like I'll ever fall for him' I said to myself again. And closed my eyes. But after a moment it opened again.

' but, I wonder how does it feels like to be a girl, to get all the attention from the guys.'
' I WISH....I could be a girl...even if it's a 13 years old girl.' I said

'Eh? Where did it even came from. But I bet i can make a cute 13 years old girl.' Again I said to myself. Gosh! I'm sounding crazy now. Am I drunk? But i can't remember drinking any alcohol today, then why am I talking nonsense to myself. Aishh... I really need some sleep. With that thought I closed my eyes for sure now.

A/N : first chapter done. Yeahh!
But it doesn't turned out as I expected.
I hope next chapter will be better. Finger cross. :) and if you're reading this. Thank you so much. Ily.
And keep voting and commenting. As you all know votes ands comments are what keeps on motivating to write an author. Thank you again :)

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