chapter eight

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  "Jinyoung are you really sure, that you wanna do this? I mean it's OK you don't have to if you don't want to, I can handle yugyeom." Jackson hyung said to me.

"It's OK hyung, I can do this. I gotta do this." I said back.

It's almost time for the date, yugyeom will be here any minute.
I just wore a simple white dress which reach up to my knees with long sleeve, and tie my hair up in ponytail.

"Cute as always" Jackson hyung said.

"Jinia.....yugyeom is here already" mark hyung called out from downstairs.

"Nae.....I'm coming" I replied back.
"Jinyoung-ah are you really sure-" Jackson hyung asked again. I just gave him a stern look.

"OK then let's go down" Jackson hyung said while dragging me with him.

I can see yugyeom drooling at me. And mark hyung seems really happy that I'm really going on a date with yugyeom. which make me really angry. But obviously I can't show it to them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So, finally I'm here on a so called 'date' with yugyeom. It's only been 10 minutes but seems like an hour to me I really wanna go back home. Damn, is it even real, what's with my life, why is it turning upside down. What have I done to deserve it.

Finally our food has arrived. Damn! I was so uncomfortable. I don't even have anything to talk with him.

Right now I just wanna finish this food as fast as I can and go back home. So I just attack the food like a hungry cat. I didn't even realize that I don't look like a girl at all at the moment.

"Jin-jinia......are you OK? Seems like you're really hungry. But you should slow down, or you'll get chock.

Damn! What I was doing.
"Nae....I i'm sorry. Guess I was really hungry." I said. I can feel my cheeks burning on fire. Gosh! Why the hell am I blushing. Why the hell I'm getting the symptoms of being a girl. NO WAY.....shut up brain, don't think about it. I can't be a girl forever. I gotta find a way to go back to normal soon.

Suddenly I heard him laughing. 'Wait! Why is he laughing? Don't tell me, now he can read my mind' I panic.

"You're so cute when you blush. You don't have be sorry. And what's with that weird face?" He said still laughing.

'Thank god! He can't read my mind' I just faked a smile at him.

Finally we're on the way of going back.
We were walking back home, cause wheather is nice, and it's not that far anyways. But it was really awkward. Well at least it was for me. Yugyeom was talking about this and that. I didn't know this kid can be that talkative sometimes.

After, what seems like ages to me, we finally got home.

"OK bye, thanks for the dinner." I said to him and about to leave when suddenly he grab my wrist.

"Wait" he said.
I slowly turn around. Afraid that what he have to say.

"Jinia. I'm really glad you agreed to go out with me. Thank you for that. I just wanted to tell you that... I.....I really like you." He said and suddenly pulled me and.....Wait! Why is he kissing me.......suddenly my eyes widened.

I pushed him back and stood there frozen while touching my lips.

"I think you're really shock. I'm sorry if I did something wrong. So, I'll get going now. Bye good night." He said and left. How the hell he?

I went inside still shocked. I was like dead body at the moment.
My 'first kiss' was stole by a kid. I'm ruined.

"Hey jinia, how was the date?" Suddenly mark hyung's happy face came in view.

I don't know why but again I'm angry. But this time I can't handle it. Here my first kiss is stole by a kid and he's happy.

"I hate you mark hyung. It's all happening because of you. I really hate you right now. Why you have to send me on a date. Why can't you see that 'I Like You' it's all your fault. I yelled at him. And run up to my room and locked the door.

I was crying so hard. I don't even realize when did I start crying.

"Jinia what's wrong. Let me in. Open the door. Just tell me what's wrong" Jackson hyung keep knocking the door.

"Jackson hyung, just leave me alone for sometimes" I replied back.

"But you won't do anything stupid right." He said again.

"Hyung, trust me, I'll be alright" I said back.

After a moment I guess he left.

I know it's not mark hyung's fault but right now I'm more angry at him. I don't know why. Damn! Crying over little things. I'm really becoming a girl with hormones.

'I WISH I won't have to see mark hyung anymore'
I said out loud in anger while covering my face with other pillow.

I hope tomorrow everything will be alright. With that thought I fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long. Now I'm back. :) thank you all for reading. And if you like it keep voting and commenting for more.

LOVE you all <3 :)

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