chapter nine

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"Jinyoung wake up"
"'s already 1 pm you should wake up now" I heard Jacksons hyung's voice.

Wait it's already 1pm ?? But who cares I'm too lazy to wake up....I haven't got a good sleep at all last night anyways.

"Jinyoung, today you can do what you want. You can be yourself Cause mark hyung is not around. Common wake up now." Jackson hyung said again kinda pulling the cover off of me.

'Mark hyung is not around.'

Then, I woke up harshly.
"Mark hyung is not around? What do you mean by that??" I asked.

" that I mean mark hyung is not around." Jackson hyung repeat the same sentence again.

"HYUNG" I said whining.

"OK OK....mark hyung is not here. He went to L.A this morning. Cause his dad called telling his mom is kinda sick." Jackson hyung said.

"When will he return" I asked.

"I guess after three or four days."


"Jinyoung you OK.?" Jackson hyung asked.

"Yes! It's just I wanted to apologies to him for yesterday." I said.

"It's OK jinyoung, you can do it after he return back. He'll be back soon anyways." Jackson said.

I just nodded.

"By the way, do you really like mark?" Jackson hyung asked again.

"Huh? W-why are asking me like this. Why would I him." I said  kinda getting nervous.

"Well you kinda blurted it out to him yesterday. You said you like him. Don't you remember?" He asked again.

"I..uhh....I did?" I asked back like a stupid feeling all embarrassed.

"Yeah you surely did. It's OK you can tell me I don't mind even if you like him." He said.

"I guess....I..I really like him." Finally I admitted.

By now I'm a blushing mess.

"Jinyoung stop it." Jackson hyung said.

And I looked up at him kinda scared.

Then he smiled and said "common jinyoung...just relax... Look at your face..I mean stop it. Your little girl is showing. Stop blushing."

"And about liking mark don't worry. I'll help." He said still smiling.

I don't know what else to say so I just hugged him and he hugged back.




Four days has already passed. Mark hyung is not back yet. He haven't even called.





Two weeks has passed. He called just to tell that 'he has something to take care of and he'll be after few days.




*skip again*

One month has also passed. He's not back yet.

I wonder what's wrong. Could it that..... What I wish.....

No it can't be right?

Damn! I missed him so much.

"Jinyoung you've been doing nothing these past few days. Wanna do something or go somewhere." Jackson hyung asked.

"I was actually thinking of going out for a walk." I replied.

"OK let's go then" Jackson hyung said.

"Uhh....hyung....about that...actually I wanna be alone for a while.... So...." I said a bit awkward.

"OK's alright. Go ahead. But be back soon. Don't stay too late outside. It's already evening." Jackson hyung said showing his concern.

"Don't worry hyung. I won't stay long." With that I left.

I was walking alone. And I didn't even realized I was already at the park.

I just sit there on a bance for a while looking at people laughing and talking and enjoying their day.
Suddenly my eyes landed on someone.

He was sitting opposite to me but little bit far away. He was really handsome like some idol.

But the strange thing is whole time he was looking at me and smiling from the distance. And time to time he was waving at me.

'What a strange guy'

It's already getting dark so I thought of heading back to home.

I was on my way back home when suddenly it started raining. There was not even a single sign of clouds a while ago. I bet no one even thought it'll rain today.


The rain is getting heavy. So I ran towards the nearest phone boot covering my head and entered inside it.

But what I didn't expect is someone was already there and I came face to face with him. Well not exactly, since I'm a girl now I'm more shorter than him.

It was the strange but handsome guy from before. I felt so uncomfortable being in this situation with a stranger. so I was about to come out when he suddenly stopped me.

"Hey jinyoung. It's ok don't be uncomfortable. You can stay here. It's only for a while anyways. There is no shelter nearby and rain is so heavy, besides it's getting dark." He said.

I stood there frozen for a moment.

" did you know my name??" I asked still shocked.

"I don't know your name" he said.

"But you did called me by my name" I defend.

"Did I? But I don't know your name." He said again.

"Yes I bet you did"

"Well....I can't tell you yet. Please don't asked" he said

"Do you think I can stay clam at this. Now tell me or I'll....." I started but he cut me off.
"Ohh....the rain finally stopped. I should go now." And ran out quickly.

"Hey. Stopped." I shouted from the back and he stopped for a moment and said.

"I can't tell you anything yet. But I have some advice to give you 'next time be careful of what you wish for' and don't worry we'll meet again soon. Hopefully really soon."

"By the way I'm 'JB'" he added and with that he left.

What just happened. I'm having hard time understanding his words.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Jinyoung where the hell were you? I even went to look for you. I was so worried." Jackson hyung said as soon as he saw me.

"I'm sorry hyung I was stuck in a phone boot because of rain."

"And...I don't know why but I met someone today.....I think....ugh...forget it I'll tell you tomorrow." I added suddenly feeling tired.

"OK let's have dinner first" Jackson hyung said.


Finally I'm off to bed.

I'm missing mark hyung so badly.

And who was that guy. How exactly he know my name. Could it be that he has to do something with me changing into a girl?

And what does he mean by 'next time be careful of what you wish for'

Does he mean my wishes can come true.

Let's try it.

"I WISH i could see mark hyung again." I said out loud.

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