Chapter 1 Haven't see you in years

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       On top of a building at the edge of Townsville, a mysterious figure jumps from the sky and lands on the roof of a building

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       On top of a building at the edge of Townsville, a mysterious figure jumps from the sky and lands on the roof of a building. As the man exits the shadows of the building remove his coat revealing his tattoo and green eyes.

Butch:  That s better.  Now, where the hell are they?  As he speaks some electricity hits the light bulb next to the wall.

Butch:  Heh about time.Looks like I beat you to it, again.

Bummer:  Who cares? As long as I got here in the nick of time Oh, by the way, you cheated.

Butch:  Well what do you expect, nice outfit kinda reminds me of Brish...

Bummer:  Shut up! Don't even say it!  And your tattoo isn't that much of an eye-sore.

Butch: oh stop it!You making me blush. Where is Brick?

Brick( lighting a cigarette): Closer than you think.

Butch: Looking good redhead.HEHE...So you finally got rid of your ponytail thank goodness.

Brick: just shut your pieholes You guys haven'tange over the years.   I t     'ss been a long time since we saw one another. Wheres my hug?

Butch:  Dude, we are not little kids anymore.
Bummer: Are you smoking?

Brick:  So you two think you're too good to hug your big brother?

Butch: Youccan'te serious?

Brick: Come here you assholes!

( group hug)

Bummer: Speaking of assholes.Happy birthday, bro! ^^

Butch:   You remembered?!

Brick:  Yep your one year close to the fall of the curtains.Lovettattoohe way.

Butch:  Thank you, papa told me that I can get one on my 19 birthday.

Bommer:  Speaking of the old man.  How's Levi?

Butch: He is fetching my gift.

Bummer: Gift?

Butch: Well yeah.  He said I can have everything I want for my 19 birthday so I asked for something special.

Buttercups story

After yearsoofrimes, I was glad to finally get a break. No more monsters, no more Mojo no more problems  Fifinallyandld have a normal life and after Mojo's "mysterious dispersion" we finally started to act like normal teens. I was at the mall with Robin when I noticed Robins  sweater

ButtercupOh buddy...I like your sweater! Where did you get that?"

Robin:  Oh...thanks BC. Well, it wttthehe the home art class, but there was a little accident with the machine...funny how it worked outright She giggled.

That last word...I held my pumpkin teacup right to my lips.

Buttercup: Worked out? Worked out? The accident that worke gorgeous!

Robin:  Well, thank you.  Sotttotally The sportive girl started to get old.  The classic one is more ...

Buttercup:  Stop it! I look nice in everything. So, did you talk with Blossom?

Robin:  She is still buzzy with her fashion show.

Buttercup:  Knowing Bubbles she is probably with Blossom. Wish we get to spend more time together Robin.

Robin:  Me too...You tree grow apart after Mojos disparities  Do you still remember?

Buttercup: Yeah...The last thing I remember was fighting Mojo and his robot. I had destroyed his robot and we cornered him in an ally. Then he pulled out a blue gun and shot me. Now I was seeing clear again, I noticed he was gone but I also noticed it was suddenly daylight instead of night.  Two bright flashes suddenly appeared next to me, revealing my friends with shocked faces. Immediately after I felt something collide with my body and noticed Bubbles hugging me. 

Bubbles:  Buttercup, You're still alive!' I quickly pushed Bubbles away from me and stared uncomfortably at her.

Buttercup: what happened?

Bubbles: Blossom is...

Buttercup No! You can't be serious?!

End Flashback

Buttercup I trough Blossom was gone. Luckily the professor timemeeeto save her... Mojo was gone after and so was Bridgman. Took me a week to recover ut that was 9 years ago. I got over it ....wish I could say the same about the town.

Robin Townsville hardly recovered after all that destruction.  Robin looks the side sadness om her face. We should go to its getting late.
Buttercup: yeah.

As BC  was walking home she heard strange noises from a nearby alley. Usually, the superheroine would ignore them as she wasn't afraid of anything but they only got closer and closer.

BC: What's that?

She eventually called it was then she noticed a man dresses in a dark green costume wearing a mask with a strange symbol on it. Surprised she took a battle stand but before she could react she was hit in the head from behind making her blackout.

BC: Fuck You.... Were the last things she said before she blackout

This is how the girl's outfit looks now

This is how the girl's outfit looks now

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