Chapter 5

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BC was in her cell room looking at the white walls

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BC was in her cell room looking at the white walls. How long was she there? Was there any hope for her to escape at all?

"BC?"Bummer asks as he entered the room.

"Bummer!" she screams as she fell into his arms. Despite her hating to admit it the brunette felt safe and comfortable with him.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah...I guess dude. Why are you here, its not meal time"

"I just wanted to tell you that your sisters are safe, at the moment.RL won't go after them"

"How did you know I was thinking of them?"

"I am worried about Bubbles as well."He admitted a tin blush line covering his face.

"Then, can you help me?"

"I don't know..."

"Please, Bummer!" She begs

" I don't know BC, is dangerous. Even if you do manage to leave the building, they can capture you in the air."

"Please! Do it for Bubbles!"

Bummer sigh staring to the side, this was his plan all along. To save her, so that Bubbles won't suffer anymore.

"Verry well, but getting away from Butch won't be easy. Are you sure it's safe to run away?"

"What do you mean?"

"Butch is not like me. Hell! He is not even like Brick! If you run, he will find you. If he doesn't, he will hurt whoever he can to lure you out. He won't stop until he haves you back. Lie low for a while. It might save you. I have to go now. Goodbye lady Utonium."

"Bye, I guess..."

As the blonde exited the room got dark yet again. What will she do? Will she get out or will she stay there forever? The "birthday present " of a psychopath! Hours passed and all she could hear were footsteps and small talks from the persons walking by. Bummer didn't come, nor did Butch. But then again wasn't that a good thing? Her enthusiasm wasn't that high though. She was trapt! 

The cell had no window no TV not even a damn radio! She was bored out of her mind and eventually her eyes started to get heavy and heavy and she has fallen asleep on the floor. What felt like minutes of rest were disturbed by movement.

"What's happening?!"She asks as she was lifted herself off the ground.
"Hey Jolly!" Butch winked.
" What do you want, jerk ?"
"Thank you! I was just putting you in bed. So reckless of you to sleep on the floor. He said in a fake worried voice.
"You put me down you psycho!"BC struggles but with no success.

"Calm down woman! There you go."He gentles said as he placed her on the bed.

BC didn't know what scared her most. The fact that he was watching her helpless in her sleep or his sudden change of mode. He was angry a minute ago and now he was happy? This boy's mental!

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