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I- I can't believe it!He was alive! That sonofabitch!I can't believe I didn't remember him at first

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I- I can't believe it!He was alive! That sonofabitch!I can't believe I didn't remember him at first. How dare he kidnapped me?! How dare he kiss me?! How dare he? I swear if I could control my powers I would smash the smile out of his face.

I need to get out of here Bubbels, Blossom, Robin, and the professor are probably worried sick, but how? If what Butch told me is true the collar stops my powers from working and prevents me from exiting the room. After hours and hours of hitting the door with my foot, hands, and fists I give up and lying on the sofa. Half an hour later the metallic door opens reveling Bummer with a plate of food in his hands.

"Hey ... I don't remember was it Bummer?"

"Yes, that's me. I brought you some food. Are you ok?"

"Blossom and Bubbles..."

"They are ok, don't worry. We only took you"

"I need to get out of here!"

"That's impossible. Especially with the collar on your neck."


Bummer fixes his tie looking ar her struggling. It was somewhat pathetic cuz she really had no way of escaping but he couldn't blame her. After all, she was in prison.

"Try to relax lady Utonium, there is no way out."


" There is no way out" His words didn't leave my mind a second. Was it true I was never going to see my sisters or father? I started to sob  I have no hope, I never felt so weakly in my whole life. I didn't have my powers I didn't have my sisters with, me I didn't even know where I was!

"Fuck it!"I screamed hitting the wall with my leg, out of sudden the light turned off leaving me in pure darkness.


Voices were heard on the hallway

Solder could be heard running down the hall.

"Its a blackout the system fell! On your posts now!"

After the voices disappear I pushed the door and it open. Awesome! I trough as I walked in the dark hallways I walked for at last 20 minutes in the dark I think until I saw a pale light exiting one of the doors. I wasn't sure if I should enter. But I don't have time to decide either. I could hear their voices in the darkness their lights flickering the dark halls

"This way I think I hear something."

I got scared as I saw the light from the lantern coming closer so I entered the room.  As they passed I saw that the room was lighted by candles, It was a simple room,  white walls a military bed, a drawer that was full of clothes probably, on top of it I saw hair gel a brush and male fragrance also a picture of Bummer and Brick.

"This has to be Butch's bedroom.  Maybe I can find a way out."I scanned the room and noticed a wardrobe door. The room was highlight bicycles and on the walls were 

"Pictures of me!WTF!!!"

They were everywhere there was  a piece of it empty

"That's me at the beach with Bubbles and me is the shower... 'She said feeling sick to her stomach.

"This picture was taken on my date with Mitch when I wore that blue dress.... and that's the back of my head!WTF the A I took on an English test was on his wall! he even has a doll that looks like me next to a Roll that looked like  the professor his head was a snatch and a knife was stuck in it while the body of the doll next to it.

Next to the doll that looks like me there were a few pictures of me but they were different from the other ones, on those pictures was written "MINE FOREVER" or "SHE BELONGS TO ME "; "YOUR MINE" stuff like that. I watched the whole room as fear took over me. Even the shirt I trow in the trash was here and my old thet  brush!

"What's this?"I ask no one looking at a piece of paper next to my test result. It writes Buttercup s schedule!? Waking up, eating, brushing theets, going to school...

"He ... he followed me...WTF!he even has pictures with me in the shower! This is fucked up! I need to get out of this place!"I back away from the room as my back hit something...something wet accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing.

I slowly turned my head to see Butch at the entrance of the room he was wearing just a pair of shorts his hair was wet and it was covering his face but even so, I could clearly saw his eyes, they were full of madness.

"But... " I didn't manage to finish my sentence as Butch throw me on the wall my back hurting like hell.

"Well, well if isnt BC. What do you think of my little shrine of you?"

"I don't even want to know what you doing in this room. You disgust me!"I  was unable to move fear paralyze me even if I could Butch would use his speed to get me.

"I thought for a long time to add you to my collection. Your so beautiful BC and your mine All mine!"

"No! Stay away!"I started to cry this idiot was freaking me out.

Then an alarm was heard


"Fuck!The alarm! Be right back at you jolly."He kissed me and exited the room I fell on my butt as the door got closed and locked.

"What is he going to do to me?"

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