Christmas Eve

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"Luce we're coming to save you."
The guild was too worried about Lucy that the didn't know that another girl had gone missing and if they did they would know who the kidnappers wanted. A dragon slayer with a childhood friend who died and came back to live, and a girlfriend that is a princess.

(Back to searching)

We all got into our teams and started to look for her in places she would be.

Her apartment---nothing
Her old home---levys team is going to check it out
I have this weird feeling in my stomach like there's nothing I can do. She's not saveable. Like I can try everything but she still not coming back. Not now. Not never.
Luce where are you. I need you back I can't live without you. I'm a dragon but prince underneath. I can be your night and shiny armor but I need to save you first. Just give me a hint of where you are. You know I'm not that smart.

I fell asleep on her bed like always but it feels like something is missing. I miss her constant complaining and her smile, the way she always so cheerful and happy. I miss her. I don't know how much longer I can stand here with a smile on my face. I'm soon to break down. Cry. I have shed tears but never ever again will They be sad tears let them be happy tears. Joy not anger, happiness not worry, love not sorrow. I broke down into tears. Luce where are you. I need you. I don't care if your smile gone or if your soft skin is full of tears or your eyes are puffy red and blood stains your clothes. I want my Luce back no matter the price. Heaven just got a new angel. Because I'm getting you back even if it means death. Then do your part.

I woken up from a nightmare in tears, soon realizing that it was real.

End of the book

No hate comments sorry had too

"Natsu, no, look out." Fear the ink of my words.
He smiled at me. "No matter the price I will find you." His sweet voice rang
"No," he disappeared into the wind and never to be seen again.

I woken up, my head hurts liked I drank the night away and my eyes getting blurry and more blurry. Something was sharp in my stomach. The chains back on, I looked over to the cell window the free birds still flapping their wings. The man came back.
"Don't even try natsu you'll never get her in time. And anyway you'll have to choice." The scary voice rang. I know him from somewhere.

"I'm already, I give you my life for her." Natsu yells, I could scents his fire he's coming.

"N... nats... natsu..." I got the nerves to say the words even know that they could be my last. "My god Natsu, don't come. please, it's a trap." I was stupid to think that I could get out. My hands tied up keeping me from the ground. My feet would dangle if they weren't tied too. My side still in pain every time I move. Chains moving made it harder to hear him.

"Luce. No." his sweet voice, the only one I love, ran around my head, making it hurt. I heard his crying dipped into his words. Don't you cry my love.

"This is between you and me, dragon slayer. You come, and win. So maybe your little girlfriend's just might be let go. And don't you even think about telling your fairy tail guild. Or you can say your goodbyes now. Have fun! You have 3 days before she's a goner." The voice was strong and sounded powerful. But it did seem familiar but the shape of them didn't. It wasn't the man I meet earlier. It wasn't even a man.

"Natsu!" I screamed, the shape coming closer to me. My heart beats fast, I can't move, I'm to scared too! I see a huge shape in the distances. It's purple with a bit of green.

"Natsu's gone" the scary voice sang. " And this is just to see if he loves you so much, he'll die for you." I closed my eyes in fear of them. Now realizing that just two weeks ago me a Natsu had our first kiss. Started dating. I'm must have fallen asleep because I dreamt about Natsu and when we walked into the guild that day.

He grins his cheesy grin and starts to hold My hand.
"Lucy give Natsu a kiss!" Happy demanded.
And I replied "Don't push it cat!"
And now this is the worst first Christmas that could ever happen. With Natsu trying to save me with no back up I can't stop to wonder. Can Natsu beat this guy in one piece? My poor Natsu. Save yourself.

I move the chains. My arms chained to the wall. My feet to the floor. My neck was chained so it wouldn't fall. I could see a window, the sun disappears, I could see the darkness as it fills the room. The hours that passed felt like years. The soft sound of water washing ashore. I must had drifted, like a not tied down boat on water, to sleep. It was a peaceful sleep. Natsu not barging in on me nor a cat curling up on my stomach. Peaceful.

I heard other chains moving. I slowly opened my eyes. A girl came in her hair short and blonde white,
"Lucy," I looked over at her. As the man from before the one that gave me the food and clothes took her chains and hooked them on a round c shape piece of medal in the wall.
"Lisanna. How'd you get here?" Worry filled my lungs it's what filled the room instead of air.

"Same way you did. I got kidnaped."

"What's today?"

"Thursday. Christmas Eve." She looks at me. "Lucy what happen to you side?" I slowly turned around and looked back at the window.

"They'd tortured me. For four days. I couldn't take it anymore and my body put me in a dream state. So I didn't feel so much pain. I never even thought about dying. Or natsu finding me in time. It's ok though. I had a great 24 years of life. Natsu really made the last two weeks rememberable and I couldn't ask for anything else. But to see his face again. His dorky smile, his pink pink pink hair,  we laughed, his body and its natural heat keeps me warm while the snow falls down. Just from gray and his ice princess. Just to see him one last time is all I ask." I look at her. My eyes puffy from the tears I shed, my clothes covers in the red of blood, my skin shows cuts and bruises in forms of black blue and purple. My arms acade in pain from holding on to me for days. I smiled.

"I'm fine. I just want to see him again." I look back at the window. The sun sets and the darkness fills the room. I drifted back to sleep.

The one man that has a heart here came again. He takes off my chains. Not again. And her chains. I could hear natsu destroying the tower.
"Come with me."
I look at Lisanna and she at me. As we walked down the long corridor as it get nearly impossible to understand how big this place is. I get a pain in my side, it's making it harder to keep up, there walking so fast. I drop down.
I see someone tuning to me. It's Lisanna.
"Come on get up? "

She helps me up and walks slowly just so I don't fall again. We step into a room.

"Well you must be miss. Lucy and miss. lisanna.  I welcome you to your death.Only one will come out alive."

"Lisanna. She'll go. I can't." Lisanna looks at me, shakes her head no.

"Natsu is waiting for you, he picked you. Your life just got started. So you should go. I die once I can die again."

"This is a very touching scene but you're not deciding."
"Who is..."

The pink hair I'll never forget, and the scarf blows in the wind a very awesome entrance.

"He is."

I looked at my love as he ran to me, my arms wrapped around his shoulder blade.

"I guest he choices Lucy. Lisanna? Good bye. "

A arrow pointed at Lisanna. It shot and hit...


Hey sorry for taking a few days off I'm well slept and wrote a lot off non story (story's I'm never sharing) and wrote more on to the return and of course Natsu, I do love you. And I'll be posting that if you guys want me too. 😊

Thanks again everyone. And thank you best friend MushiSquishi and WhatAboutThem they are awesome people and if you haven't go look over at there account!

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