A father

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A week went by and I feeling more guilty of Lucy condition. Like it's my fault. But I don't know what to do. I'm going to ask the girls. Levy and Wendy. If she didn't tell them I won't feel that guilty. I asked the girls to met me at Lucy's apartment. I needed to know.

"Hey, guys?" I felt sick. My stomach dropped.

"What do you need?" Levy asked walking into the apartment. A smiled planted on her face.

"If you knew?" My arms crossed my chest. Closing the door behind them.

"If I knew what?" Levy crossed her arms. Her face blushed. I handed her the note.

"That Lucy's pregnant? " the words just slipped out of my mouth.

"No, that's a surprise. It's yours right?"
He looked at her and back at Wendy.

"I knew" the soft voice whispered. "She wanted to tell the guild for Christmas but things got in the way, so I told her she should just give it to you as a Christmas present. But she never got to tell you in person." Wendy looked away, "I'm sorry"
Natsu turned his head in shamed. Tears flow down his eyes.

"Natsu?" Levy pushed him back to them.

"I'm surprised. And angry." He laughs, kinda creepy. Looking away. Levy pushed me again to look in my eyes.

"Not that I'm going to be a dad, no I'm happy, but that I can't just hug Luce and she tells me that I'm going to be a great father."

"She doesn't need too." Levy smiles.

"But it would be nice for her too." More tears drop down his face as Levy grabbed Natsu and put his almost tears full head and put in on her shoulder.

"Natsu you're going to be a great father. I know because she told me so. Me and you we'll go back to the guild to tell gray. And gramps then it stops. No one else needs to know okay? Levy broke her hug. And she walked out the door. Natsu started to talk to Wendy.

He looks up at Wendy . Shakes his head and walks into her bedroom. "I'm going out through the window like I always do." He smiled almost jumping out of the window when something appeared.

"Leo. It's been a long time. It's-"

"Lucy?" Natsu's mouth opened then closed.

"I'll show you." The bathroom light was on so he walks over to the door opens it. The bath was filled, cold water. Lucy's clothes that he last saw in, before she was kidnap, was on the floor. He smiled at the counter next to the sink. It was a pregnancy test.

"Positive." He said under his breath. He walked out the bathroom. Turned off the lights and jumped out the window. And headed back to the guild, Leo not far behind him. The sun sets on the small town. He opened the door.

"Ice princess,"

"Flame brain."

"Get gramps and met us in Lucy's room." Wendy sat in the room.

"Hi natsu," the little girl was healing the blonde on the hospital bed.
He looks down at Luce. Kisses her forehead and sits down in the chair in the corner. The door opens, it was gray and gramps.

"I need to tell you something." His eyes not coming off of Luce. "I'm not..."

"Natsu?" Gary whispered.

"Just see for yourself." Handing the note to gray

"God natsu," he put a hand to his mouth." is that true." Gray voice sounds scary. But worried.
Leo looks back at Luce.

"I wished she told us." Gray look at Wendy.
As she burst into tears.
"I'm sorry!" She runs over to natsu and hugs him.
Gray looked hurt. "Why are you sorry?" Gary looked at the little girl.
"She told me!" She screamed.
Natsu picked up the small girl.

Gray looks around, "where's gramps?" Try to change the topic. They look out the door frame. He was heading toward the front door and left.
Loki or Leo soon left after that to tell the rest of the spirits about Lucy and what's up with her. Only Natsu and gray were there, Wendy sound asleep on Natsu last lap.

"I still can't believe you, flame for a brain, is going to have kid. With Lucy. You're really stupid."

"Thanks for the reminder."

""What's on your mind?"

"I just realized something. Luce didn't know that she wouldn't die when she got hit."

"Ya." Gary moves to the other side of Lucy.

"That would've killed her and ... the baby."
Natsu looks down at the little sleeping girl. He moved her closer to him.

"I see your point. But she wouldn't been able to tell you if you lost Lisanna. And Lisanna died once already the guild would not be able to take that again. Don't stress over the small things. She's alive. You're going to be a dad. Just look on the bright side. Ok?"

"Sure." He picks up Wendy moving her so it would be easier to take her somewhere.
"She's such a wonderful kid. I wonder... if the kid will be like me or Luce?"

"What's that so post to mean?"

"Smart, cute, or destroyer off all, powerful."

"First you will find out the gender; boy or girl. Then some other things. Like magic ability."


"Don't ask. Just that I have a clingy girlfriend."

"Way to go, dude. Let me guess? Anyone but juvala."

"Funny." Wendy moves.
"Shhhh... go back to sleep." Her eye flickered then fell asleep.

"I should go and put her in a real bed not a lap. Thanks for talking with me about this."

"Ya no problem. Night."

Natsu walks over to the bed, kisses lucy cheek. He picks up Wendy and cares her bridal style. He went to Lucy's apartment and dropped Wendy on the bed.

"Night Wendy." He moved the hair in her eyes to the side. I head back down the stairs and fell on the couch. My eyes closed as i got lost in my nightmare again. Luce and I. She had a girl. Nashi. One day someone kills my family and I'm left to blame. I woke up in a cold sweat. Wendy was curl up next to me. Weird I left her upstairs. I need my Luce, awake. 12 months, but in like 9 months, she'll have a kid. I can't believe that I'm going to be a father, with Luce.

I look back at Wendy. And moved the hair from her face. I'm going to be a father. Slowly drifting back to sleep.


Hey guys long chapter I know. Well for me it's long. So I was wondering? What else should happen? Should Luce wake up in the middle of child birth or think that someone else if the father? #grayXlucy? I'm kidding I'm not that mean. Or am I? You'll just have to see.


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