chapter 51

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Louis POV

I know Alice is worried about Mike and there is nothing i can do about it. "Lou i can i go and visit Mike today?" Alice asks shyly "um i dont know, not that i dont trust you but maybe you should lay low for a bit yea?" i say. She nods and i sigh happy that the subject been handled with for now. "Maybe we should get up" i say and take some clothes to "im gonna stay here for a bit" Alice says and i nod before i go and shower. 

After my shower i head downstairs and see Alice is having some breakfast is sit down next to her and get some honey pops and milk. "Has anyone seen Harry?" i ask the boys none of them react "i guess not " i mutter under my breath and look at Alice to see she's been giving me a small smile "he'll come back he wouldnt last longer then 2 days outside without getting himself into trouble" . I smirk "your right" and kiss the top of Alice her head. We silently finish our breakfast when the doorbell rings. I wait for someone else to get up and get it but no one does. It will stop i think to myself but it doesnt it keeps going for a good 5 minutes. I groan and get up and open the door. "What do you want?!" i snap not even caring who it is. "um wheres Harry?" i hear Darla's annyoing voice say eww not her again. "hes not here i" i say trying to close the door "i don't believe you" Darla says while smacking  on her gum. "Bye Darla" i say and close the door in her face while walking back to every one else "What did she want?" Liam says. "What do you think" i smirk. "Hawwy" Zayns says mimicking Darla. We all can't help but chuckle.

Suddenly something pops in my mind "oh shit" i say smacking my head "what's wrong with you?" Alice says "um i forgot something" i say and get up to grab my coat and run out the door brushing past Darla whos still standing there dumbfolded that i dared to slam the door in her face. Tomorow it will be 4 years since Alice and i first met so that deserves a little special something. How could i almost forget about that? I make my way to the most expensive restaurant in town and make a reservation for 2 for tomorow luckely someone called off for tomorow so they will be able to fit us in. I go and buy a suit for myself because the ones i own arent really fit for it. and i finally make my way to jewel story and buy a golden neckless and matching earrings for Alice. When I'm all done i make my way back home, back to Alice

Harry POV

Damn i'm bored as hell i've got nothing to do and i should warn the boys about what is gonna go down with Jake and stuff. I'm a stupid ass idiot  how am i gonna get out of here? No windows and no way to get myself untied. I sigh c'mon Styles think there must be some way to get out. 

AN : Hii guys i kind of have a confession to make. Trough the dark has been sitting in my drafts for a while and this is the last chapter i wrote and probably will write.

But i'm pretty sure you all want to know how it ends so i have a challenge/game for you guys if you are up for it. You can DM me the next chapter of trough the dark that you wrote and tell me how you would end it. the person who i think writes the best/has the best idea's gets to finish the story. The story would stay on my profile but you will get full credit for the chapter(s) you wrote!  if you got any questions feel free to DM me
Good luck!

Through the dark (punk Louis Tomlinson) (Collaboration with MyTeddybear_Baloe)Where stories live. Discover now