The scene

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WARNING: Monty the cowriter is here for a lot of this, which means SMUT.

James Paxton x Tyler Young
And Philkas

Summary: When Tyler reads the script for Episode 7 of Eyewitness, he couldn't be anymore frightened. 'Sex Scene' was written on a page. That meant he would have to have sex with one of his best friends, and, he would be Tyler's first time.

He kept rereading the two words over and over again.

Sex Scene

How was he supposed to get through this?! He had never had sex before and now he would have to, on camera, with his best friend.

"Uh... J-James?" Tyler asked in a wavering breathe as he knocked on the door of James's trailer for while they were filming.

James opened almost immediately, with a bright smile on his face.

Maybe he hasn't read it yet. Tyler thought.

"What's up?" James asked him bringing him inside.

"H-have you read the script, f-for episode 7?" Tyler asked.

"Nah, I was going to later today, why? What's in it?" James asked.

Tyler handed over his copy. "Read page 14..." He said.

James flipped to the direct page and saw the words written in bold.

"Oh... Well uh... What's your opinion on it?" James asked slowly, unable to find the right words.

Tyler had no idea what to say.
Should he tell him they should talk to the director and opt out of it? Should he say how he was still a virgin? Or should he just go along with it fine?

"I-I'm a virgin." Tyler blurted out, immediately regretting it as heat rose to his face.

James was speechless.

"I-I'll just..." Tyler started heading towards the door.

"No, don't leave... We'll talk about this, sort something out, alright?" James said holding onto Tyler's arm.

He nodded quietly and followed in suit to James sitting down.

"You know, I-I don't know why I'm making such a big deal about this all, I-I should really just-" Tyler started.

"Ty. This is kind of a big deal." James let out a small chuckle and rubbed Tyler's leg. "And this is your virginity we're talking about! We gotta figure something out because I'm not going to do anything you don't want." James soothed.

Tyler flashed him a weak smile.

"Do you know how many video edits are on YouTube of the Philkas scenes? And how much the fans freak out over the almost sex scenes? They want it pretty badly." Tyler sighed.

James nodded, he knew all about it.

"They want it, and... I don't want to let them down, y'know? And... I... I trust you... So, whatever you want to do... I'll go with it. I mean seriously, I'm twenty three, I can take it..." Tyler huffed.

James had no idea how to respond to him. "Tyler, you know if you don't want to-"

"James... It's okay." He said.

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