It was him the whole time

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You can read this as a part two of the last one, or not, whatever your mind decides

Summary: Philip is found by Gabe crying in bed after Lukas's motor cross performance, and he decides to let out his bottled up emotions. (Also in this, Bella's hanging was had happened after Lukas's motor cross performance)

"Hey Philip I-" Gabe spoke walking into Philip's bedroom, where he saw a bundle of blankets on the bed and a crying boy in the center of it.

"G-Gabe, I-I thought you and Helen were out at Dinner." Philip spoke trying to cover up that he had been crying.

"Yeah, but Helen got called in for an emergency, Philip what happened?" Gabe came over and sat on the side of the bed.

"N-Nothing it's just, I just..." Philip stuttered.

"Philip... You can tell me... I won't tell anyone unless it's severe and I have to tell Helen alright? We don't like keeping secrets and lying here remember?" Gabe told the boy.

Philip nodded. "Okay..." He was going to say it, finally going to let out his heart, however broken it may be. "You know... You know how when we were on the dock? And we were talking about "the one" and you asked me if I had ever felt that pain? And when I nodded you told me it was because I've been in love?" Philip asked in a hushed tone.

Gabe nodded slowly.

Philip felt tears brim his eyes, and a single salty droplet rolled down his cheek. "Why does being in love have to hurt so bad?" Philip asked crying.

"Oh Philip..." Gabe patted the boys back as he curled his knees to his chest.

"Does... Does he know you like him?" Gabe asked.

"Yeah... He does... It's a long story-"

"I won't judge... I want to help you Philip... You know I do... You can trust me..." Gabe  soothed

Philip looked into Gabe's eyes, searching for something, but he didn't know what.

"Promise?" Philip sighed.

"I promise..." Was the response he got.

"Please don't tell Hellen though... I'll tell her myself when I'm ready..." Philip wagered.

Gabe sighed but nodded.

"It-It's L-Lukas..." Philip whispered.

"W-Waldenbeck?" Gabe asked.

Philip clenched his eyes closed and nodded ever so slowly.

"We met when he asked if I could film some motor cross for his channel... I said yes, and eventually... We uh k-kissed... And we had a little secret for awhile, but... He doesn't want to tell anyone, not even that we're cool... He acts like he hates me, l-like I'm a freak, and he punched me when I tried speaking to him at school... H-He acts like he hates me, but says that he likes me, and I just don't know, and I can't deal with that right now!..." Philip said with gentle tears.

"Oh wow Philip... I'm so sorry..." Gabe pulled his foster son in for a hug and let the boy cry quietly on his shoulder.

"Everytime I went somewhere... O-Or I said I was with someone... I was with him usually... I-It was him the whole time... All him... His doing, he's the reason I'm in this jumble of emotions..." Philip whispered.

Gabe just continued to hug the boy.

"Look... I'm so sorry... Truly... And if you two really do love each other, everything will work out, I promise you that. But if this Waldenbeck boy continues his terrible acts, than I hope you do come to realize, that you deserve way better... I don't know if I do believe in destined soulmates, but I do know that there are people who are destined to find love, find somebody. But it's just the struggle to find that love and keep it, with all the roadbumps in the way and goddamn potholes," Gabe chuckled. "but love is worth the fight, and if it really is love, it will work... I promise my word to that."

Philip looked at the man and smiled softly. "Thank you... For everything... For listening, for caring, providing, and being the family I've never really known before... Thank you..." Philip mustered out.

"Of course... Now, get some rest, I'll order some pizza for later, no Helen cooking today! What kind of toppings would you like?" Gabe asked rubbing Philips back as he got curled back under his blanket.

"Anything is fine... Thank you." Philip said

Gabe smiled, then walked towards the door.

'It was him the whole time... I knew it...' Gabe thought with a proud smile.

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