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Yep. I'm doing this. Kill me now XD

Summary: Philip plays the role of Cinderella, but since this story originated in France, it's Cinderil because 'he' in French is il, Ryan Kane is the evil step'mother' Tommy and Tracy are the evil step'sisters' Bo is the king, and Lukas is the prince

Warning: EXTREMELY LONG, may become fanfic in future? ALSO MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ABUSE

This is the story we all know, of a child who lost both parents, and ended up living with three of the most wretched people, only this version... Has a twist... And this, is how it goes...

There once was boy who wore dagged slacks and dirty grime covered shirts everyday.

He didn't get to wear nice pants or clean shirt, or even his own old nice clothes. They had been tossed into the fire, along with whatever hope he had left.

When the boy's, Philip, father died on a travel, his uncle Kane had decided to bring him up. But not as a son, as a servant instead, while he and his children Tommy and Tracy glorified in the luxuries of the large home.

"Tracy, Thomas, we've gotten an invitation for Prince Lukas Waldenbeck's coronation ball tonight! The entire kingdom is invited! Tracy and Thomas I order you to look your best! With luck, we can get Tracy with Prince Lukas, and Thomas with another princess!" Kane announced at the table as Philip set out their food.

Tracy and Tommy smiled wide in excitement, before Tracy squealed.

"Will I be attending?" Philip asked.

Everyone silenced and stared bewildered at the boy with the question.

"You? Going to the ball?" Tommy asked, then he burst out in laughter with the other two.

"What? The whole kingdom is invited isn't it?" Philip asked.

"Yes they're invited, doesn't mean you're going. Besides, you don't even have a suit, and you have work to do." Kane stated.

So with a sigh, Philip went to clean the stairwell.

"Ooh Phily!" Tracy called out from her's and Tommy's room.

Philip hurried down the hallway to her room. "Yes Miss Tracy?" He asked.

"Come here and tighten my dress." She ordered.

Philip latched onto the strings and pulled.

"Tighter!" Tracy yelled.

So Philip pulled again.

"Oh tighter you sprat!" Tracy squeaked.

But apparently it still wasn't tight enough, so Tracy spun around and slapped Philip across the face, knocking him into the seat behind him.

"Oh Philip, when will you understand? You're so worthless and pathetic." Tommy smirked walking away from his bed.

"Just an idiotic nuisance in this house... Although you do indeed have a nice body..." Tracy said leaning over him.

Tommy walked up behind and put his hands on Philips shoulders, holding him in place against the chair.

Philip's heart raced, and he tried to get out of his grasp, but Tommy was to strong, and now Tracy was sitting on him.

"Get off me!" Philip growled.

Tracy snickered and dragged her hand down Philips collarbone.

"Aw, is the nuisance still a virgin?" Tommy mocked.

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