Crock Pot of bullshit

36 1 1

So. I am fucking dead inside.

I thought everything was going great and now everything is going to hell.

A: I am failing all of my classes

B: My friend Jay might move

C: My whole relationship shit that I won't talk about here cause stuff

D: I had to put my cat down because if we didn't she would have starved to death.

E: My friends are getting bullied and they won't tell me by who.

F: I try to stay strong and smile, but I just can't anymore. I have to go to school tomorrow, but I think I am just gonna have a break down.

G: Some of my friends have been ignoring me.

H: My shitty ass step dad that verbally abuses me

I: The dicks at school that harass me and I try to stand up to them, but all I am actually trying to do is to not cry.

J: I can't stop shaking

K: My friend is dying of cancer

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