Almost Everything About Me

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So I just realised that we need to be closer and have a better relationship. Now I sound like I am trying to seduce you. Anyway I am gonna tell you a shit ton about me and you're gonna face to deal with it.

Description: I don't give any fucks.

Appearance: I am a brunette (I am gonna dye my hair soon tho). I am female, super fucking tall (6"2'), and for a second there I was about to be way too descriptive, like breast measurements in inches. I am gonna pass tho, oh I also have very broken glasses and my skin is a slight olive color.

Age: I am not going to say so that you guys can respect me as a true fan fiction writer. My birthday is December 2nd tho, the same as uta from Tokyo Ghoul and my father.

Who am I: I am a boss ass bitch.

Favorite color: right now I really like dark red.

Favorite food: I really want a cosmic brownie right now, fuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkk.

Favorite Movie: Labyrinth

Favorite song: I don't know but Pandora is playing Two-Headed boy by Neutral Milk Hotel

Favorite bands: David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Melanie Martinez, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, anything vocaloid, and pretty much anything but country, rap, garbage like Taylor Swift or Justin Beiber. Oh and The Mountain Goats are really good.

Favorite non-anime tv show: Snapped: Killer Couples, it is pretty much spouses killing each other, but it is all real.

Guilty pleasure: I have two, but one is embarrassing so I am gonna say yaoi.

Favorite music genres: New wave, rock, 80's pop, k-pop, vocaloid, and I don't know how to describe the rest.

Nicknames: I have a shit ton; Billy, Richard, Zosen, Asshole, Zog, Ziggy, Ziggity, Ho-bag (what my mom calls me, cause she is super chill), bathroom clown, Zo, Lynne, and a bunch of others that are embarrassing.

Favorite school subject: Theater II for electives and Math for requirements.

Favorite Anime: Currently it is Yuri on Ice, but before that it was Elfen Lied.

Pet peeves: Fuck boys.

Least favorite subject in school: Gym

What advice would I give myself 3 years ago: CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

Anime crushes: Name a character from an anime and I will most likely have a crush on them.

Car crash: I have when I was 4 and I have seen several people die from car crashes while I was there.

Favorite youtube: akidrearest

Favorite sports: I only like volleyball besides that, FUCK SPORTS.

Now you know a shit ton of useless information. Congrats!!! I am gonna sleep now it is 3 am and I have school tomorrow.

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